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Turn Local back ON when exit Cakewalk

James Argo

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Since it's first DOS release, -when we open the application- Cakewalk always send "turn Local OFF" message (MIDI message CC 122, value = 0) to any connected MIDI device. It's totally fine, considering -when opened- Cakewalk will act as MIDI "soft thru" , bridging the keyboard part and the tone generator part of our synthesizer. Almost every MIDI sequencer software will do the same thing.

However, after years of using Cakewalk, I'm a bit tired of having to manually turn the Local ON after closing Cakewalk. Specially when we have many synthesizer connected to the system like I do. FYI, I use my keyboards not only to work in my studio, but also to do gig every now and then in a week. I can not remember how many times I forget to turn the local ON , and the keyboards didn't make any sound on stage ? . When the band started playing, and I kept messing with the cables & PA system figuring out what went wrong. Sometime it takes few minutes to reach that moment of "aaah, I forget the Local ON". ?

So, my request will be, is there any chance to add an option in Preferences that make Cakewalk send "Local ON" message automatically on exit? I asume it wont be that difficult to program the feature (like automatically sending MIDI CC122 value 127 to every connected synthesizer) on exit. I would be very thankful if it can happen.

James Argo

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In the meantime, you can do this: create a short midi clip, open the Event View and place a single event (cc 122 val 127) in it. Place copies of it in the Matrix view stacked in the same column, make them One Shot, and point each cell to a midi track that goes to a different synth. This way you just need to click the column header to send Local On to all your synths at the same time. It is still a manual solution, but it just takes a second. 

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9 hours ago, JoseC said:

In the meantime, you can do this: create a short midi clip, open the Event View and place a single event (cc 122 val 127) in it. Place copies of it in the Matrix view stacked in the same column, make them One Shot, and point each cell to a midi track that goes to a different synth. This way you just need to click the column header to send Local On to all your synths at the same time. It is still a manual solution, but it just takes a second. 

Good idea indeed. ?  Actually I made a simple project file contains only the CC122 messages value 127 on the first measure, and copy it to several MIDI tracks pointing to different MIDI outputs. Every time I'm done working with Cakewalk, I open that project, and play it before I close Cakewalk. It works like your suggested way in different fashion.

However, I sometime forget to do so.  If I'm lucky to remember (that I didn't turn the local back on), it's a bit too late, I already turned off the PC, leaving me manually turning them local back on one by one ?. That's why I thought automatic option in preferences would be great.

The other way I have tried was by running my own (poorly) written CAL at the end of the session. However it didn't work as expected. If any of you could help me to see what is wrong with this CAL I made, I would be very happy, since I'm not that good at programming code.




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The thing with doing it from the Matrix is that if you use to start from a template you can have this set up there hidden out of the way within every project.  Now that I think of it it probably can also be done with sysex banks in the Sysex View triggered from a clip in the Matrix. If I am correct, and your synths support this, you would need only a track and a single clip. 

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The workaround is feasible, however I don't think it's efficient. If you have 8 synths, you need to embed 8 sysex banks, since 1 sysex file can only be sent to 1 port. Multiply that with templates you have. And it's not backward compatible with pre existing projects. Imagine if I have many various project files that I open daily (I use playlist to play projects in sequence often). Using CAL was the most simple and efficient workaround, however I don't think CAL will work in x64 environment. At least, I never be able to run CAL files since I move to x64 years ago.

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I found Cakewalk CAL that should work for this situation doesn't work anymore in CbB. It works in many previous Sonar version, but not in CbB. I'm not sure if the problem is the x64 environment or CbB it self. All I know, the developers have not touched the CAL feature since like 15 years ago. So whatever we have in CbB today is inherited feature from long time untouched program code. I tested again last night, the CAL works in 32bit OS (I have dual boot system running WinXP + Sonar 8.5). It's not working in Win 7x64 + CbB. The program runs, but none of the synths turned off. Here I attached the CAL.



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