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Has anyone on here  used Next? I tried setting it up and it goes to a web service called Discord. Not happy with my Email address it also wants my phone number which I would not give out to any  software company. Has anyone else the same issues with NEXT?

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I've been using Discord (reluctantly) since Cakewalk released Momentum? Was that the name? I didn't like it then and I enjoy it less now. Very confusing with way too many screen distractions and no notices of replies to posts. (If there is such a feature I've been unable to find/activate it)


This forum is the way I prefer. I hope they add Sonar to this same forum or one like it.... <sigh>...

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5 minutes ago, Colin Nicholls said:

How about waiting until Next is actually released and available to purchase? The discord thing I suspect is just for beta testers, and there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Of course. You’re correct that we will see when the time comes.

I've been a beta tester many times for a few companies (even an alpha tester fir one product) and I understand some of the reasons for temporary situations such as beta testing.


 I’m not fond of the discord software but I use it when I must. Mentioning such does not change anything other than notifying the team leaders of the tester's thoughts.


Oh, and being a beta tester is a gift of a kind but lets not forget that it's also an important part of the development process that the coders look to. We have to speak ip about our experiences.


For me right now without some info or change, I am and will be unable to use Next on my Windows DAW as it is frozen! (Menu commands totally inactive)



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2 hours ago, Andres Medina said:

Same here.

I found awful the Discord page, cluttered and very confusing. 

Next was unusable in my system for the same reasons Keni explained.

I decided to quit.

Hi Andres...


Sorry to hear that you've found no recourse either.... but never give up!

I believe that with a bit more time it will be resolved. Nothing to do but wait. I've made numerous postings in Discord (hmmm is that saying something?) and even installed that more recent update but nothing has changed...


So, hurry up and wait for me! Not a problem as I happily continue working in CbB while awaiting the return of Sonar for my future. My interest in Next pales next to my desire for Sonar! ?



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1 hour ago, msmcleod said:

I suspect there might be a modal dialog hidden behind something that needs closing.

Use CTRL + TAB to switch to Next,  then use CTRL + TAB to cycle through any dialogs being shown.

Hi Mark!


Not sure who this response it targeted.

My issue is constant with nothing else open, no popups, menu commands don’t respond.

I can open the browser, drag clips in and play/stop but nothing else. Excuse me. I believe I can also toggle the metronome?


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On 10/15/2023 at 5:37 AM, Andres Medina said:

Same here.

I found awful the Discord page, cluttered and very confusing. 

Next was unusable in my system for the same reasons Keni explained.

I decided to quit.



A surprise!


I just got this from melph on the discod forum and it made all the difference...


I clicked on the keybaod "P" to open preferences;

Then selected the Display tab on the left

Middle of right area under the heading Graphics I enabled Use Standard Title Bar


and voila....

Now my menu buttons are active! I'm off to see what Next is actually like on Windows!


Good luck! I hope this works for you too!


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I installed Next on an old PC last night. It doesn't support OpenGL 2. I had the start screen, but the main display was a black rectangle. I could right click to see menu options, but couldn't see anything else.

Thanks for the P shortcut tip! This morning I switched Display from OpenGL Renderer (recommended) to Software Renderer mode.  Perfect timing!!!!

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