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Some feature requests for new Sonar


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Request for Sonar to have more envelope shapes such as: Sine, Wave, Square, Triangle, Whole steps, half steps, quater steps, 16th steps added to its list. 


• Ability to remove the EQ module from the channel. 

• K-System with Gain Reduction to its meters.  

• Color scheme background between Mono and Stereo Meters. (This will only be to the meter display box.) 

• Pop up window to ask if you want to split a sample with drag and drop on insert. (Also to be saved as a setting to always split or once-off.) 

• Option to split any track into L&R channels. 

Im requesting these for more flexiblity for us Hip Hop and EDM producers. 

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10 hours ago, Will. said:

Ability to remove the EQ module from the channel. 

Way back this was possible by creating an "empty" preset.  But this preset no longer works in current versions.

You can load the smaller compact module tho.

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9 hours ago, sjoens said:

Way back this was possible by creating an "empty" preset.  But this preset no longer works in current versions.

You can load the smaller compact module tho.

To remove it would be best. 

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10 hours ago, sjoens said:

Way back this was possible by creating an "empty" preset.  But this preset no longer works in current versions.

It throws an error/warning, but it still clears the ProChannel successfully. Just save an empty .TXT file as Empty.pcp. After loading into a track/bus, right-click and choose Set Modules as Default. If you do this in a template for both tracks and buses, that template will never load anything in the ProChannel.

I've been doing this for years and haven't encountered any issues.

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Right click and remove Pro EQ would still be a better option which I prefer instead of altering ini.files. or what ever text files that needs altering. Thats asking for trouble in the long run. They can leave it for CbB but a remove option is best. 

Altering files is the reason why so many users have issues. They see something on the forum and do it, then when an update is available they think Cakewalk is broken, but forget that they had alter a TXT or Ini file that got overwritten with the update. So now new users comes on the forum and see theres problems with Cakewalk and stays away from the DAW. 

So its best for Sonar to avoid these issues with its new Sonar release and just bake it into the DAW - period. 

Edited by Will.
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True.  There must be a reason they disabled the 'no module' preset, tho.   And the blank text.pcp file doesn't hurt anything. It only throws an error flag because there's no instructions for CbB to load anything.

BTW, they stopped using pcp in the 60's because it made people agitated, delusional, and irrational. :D

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6 hours ago, sjoens said:

True.  There must be a reason they disabled the 'no module' preset, tho.   :D

? I dont see why there should be a reason thoigh.

Its just in the way. What sparked this request - on Monday when I was doing 40sec clip/song for a tv ad, I played around with the Pro Channel after many moons. Even when its off, if you move it above other effects on the channel it affects the sound/tone/character or colors the tracks. Which is strange. I havent used any of the pro channel effects in like 3 years. The module is removed from my default empty template. So this surprised me a bit. 

This is why I love my finish touches to my studio. It is little to dead at times, but it just bring my monitors to life, but sounds overly clinical too. This is perfect for pop and rock, but with my main genres of Hiphop and EDM, Its sometimes bad. ? I just love this room now. 

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9 hours ago, David Baay said:

I'd about lay money on my recollection that GlossEQ has always been the minimum configuration without the workaround. 

This is X1 PE with the empty preset I made in 2012.  It loads without incident.  I think it was made by loading an old .wrk file in X1 which presented a blank PC, then saved as a preset.  It still works in X1d PE but not in X3, SPlat, or CbB.  It was discussed in the old forum and then "fixed" in X2 or X3 I think.



Meet me at the bank tomorrow morning... :D

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2 hours ago, sjoens said:

I think it was made by loading an old .wrk file in X1 which presented a blank PC, then saved as a preset.

The thread you linked indicates that path to creating an empty preset required encountering a bug that was not reliably reproducible; I have tons of old WRK file-based projects that were reworked in the X1 era, and would certainly have taken that path if I had ever seen the opportunity. In any case, what I was getting at was that it was never an intended condition and has always required some sort of workaround to achieve.

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