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Cluttered Layout on Cakewalk By Bandlap

Simon Tunnicliffe

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Hi All!

Sorry if this is a noobie question.

I'm on a laptop and finding it quite cluttered the screen.

Is there a way of just getting the sequencer / playlist and inspector up and having everything else (console, piano roll etc) vacant and bring them up when I need them. I just want the mixer when I want it and the piano roll when I want it.


Edited by Simon Tunnicliffe
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22 hours ago, Simon Tunnicliffe said:

Is there a way of just getting the sequencer / playlist and inspector up and having everything else (console, piano roll etc) vacant and bring them up when I need them. I just want the mixer when I want it and the piano roll when I want it.

I love Cakewalk's ability to be customized based on out individual needs.  There are many.  Here are a few ideas for you:

(1) You can collapse panels.  Play with the double arrows to see how they can be collapse and reopened.


(2) Select different screen sets (which are stored with each project and can be imported from one project to another) to see some different layouts.

(3) Try the "Basic" lens.  Compare with the "Advanced" lens.  Then select none and go back to your favorite Screenset because the use of lenses are not (IMO) for newbies--unless you read the reference guide or online documentation and decide you want to learn how to create a special lens that works for you.

[More to be added, possibly with screen shots]

Footnote to lenses: I believe they can be shared.  Since I want to explore them myself (learning experience), if you can clarify what you want in your layout, I'd be interested in seeing what I can do. If the above ideas meets your needs, I will play around with lenses another time.


Note about The Reference Guide: There's a lot there and you have to know what key words to use to find specific things. If you don't it can be daunting. But it can be quite useful.  For example, I never use the playlist and I was unsure what you were calling the sequencer, so I did some keyword searches!  ?


Another source to be considered is the search feature of this forum.  While playing with "MyFirstPlayListSET," I went here and found recent suggestions and pending changes to playlist feature.

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
to reduce the size of an overly large screengrab
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Thank you.

I will have a look at what you've said / suggested.

All's I want really, quite straightforward, I just want the sequencer / playlist viewing when I'm wanting to sequence, the midi editor (or is it piano roll in Cakewalk?) viewing when I'm editing midi and the mixer viewing when I want to mix. I like to just focus on one thing at a time. That's how I like to work.

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2 hours ago, Simon Tunnicliffe said:

All's I want really, quite straightforward, I just want the sequencer / playlist viewing when I'm wanting to sequence, the midi editor (or is it piano roll in Cakewalk?) viewing when I'm editing midi and the mixer viewing when I want to mix. 

Seeking clarification of what you mean by "sequencer." I started with software when a sequencer was much different than today's DAWs. Cakewalk has a Step Sequencer, but I don't think that's what you mean.  Sequencing can be done in the Track View by placing, arranging, and tweaking  clips. Maybe that's what you mean. The playlist allows users to sequence things as can the Matrix View, etc. I haven't done anything serious editing with the PRV which seems to have become very popular over the years; I tend to do enter note data with a keyboard by recording it and tweaking it in the Event List.

Apologies for not asking for the clarification earlier.


 BTW, thank you for the question--I have used it to explore the playlist, some positioning of Cakewalk's visual elements (Views, Panes, Tabs, GUI controls, etc.) and even explored some potential uses of the Matrix View with a Console Meter Bridge for real-time performances of audio "stuff." 

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
to correct a typo
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14 minutes ago, Simon Tunnicliffe said:

Trouble is if you're not careful, you collapse something and then can't find it again to un-collapse it.

One of the things I was going to add to the first post was a link to the documentation for shortcuts.  For example, many times I have closed the Control Bar to work on something and it was easiest to just hit "C" to bring it back and then make it disappear again. ?

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
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