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Take lanes ghosting in cycle record mode

Nigel Barnes

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When I loop a section and select a punch-in point, everything before that point ghosts out on all of the previous take lanes on that track as soon as I hit record. The ghosted clips do not respond to unmute. . When I select them with the comping tool, there is no sound from those clips. There is no event in the history that I can undo. Undo will only take me back to prior to hitting record, which does activate those clips, but that doesn't help me unless I record the punch-in on a new track. That's how I'm working around it for now. Copying the clip to a new track doesn't work either. It's still ghosted on the new track. At that point, the only thing I can do is re-record the ghosted part. It's VERY frustrating. Does anyone know how to rectify or avoid this problem? Is anyone else having this problem?



Take lane ghosting.png

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Hey David,

Thank you so much! That worked. Candidly, I didn't know there was a mute tool, but I found it fairly quickly.  That will save me a ton of time and frustration. I wouldn't say that was the most intuitive function, but I'm glad there is a resolution to my problem. I really appreciate your quick response.

Best regards,


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The default record mode is Comping. You can change it to Overwrite or Sound on Sound if you prefer the more classic record modes.
By default in comping mode only the most recent take is audible and others are muted. 
There is no need to switch to the mute tool to unmute because everything can be done via the default smart tool by clicking or dragging in the bottom half of the clip to isolate the areas you want. Pay attention to the help module tips when you hover over clips and it will show you more information about the tools and zones. You can read more about Comping here.

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