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Start Screen limiting Recent Projects



Hi, I read this question about adding pictures to Project Templates and it was very helpful! ?


However, after I made some tests including Project Templates on its corresponding folder I've noticed Start Screen Recent Projects has limited its number to 5!

Maybe I did something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by mgustavo
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Got it - Sorry, I was looking from the template point of view (since my previous "Start Screen"  question had to do with that . . .  Now I'm curious myself.

I will take a look and if I see anything related to that, I will comment.  Off the top of my head, the "most recent" has to be stored somewhere (INI file or such).  It could be that this has gotten changed for some reason.

Try opening some other projects from the "File>Open" dialog (not any of the ones already showing up) and see if the start screen, recent projects gets populated.

Just a suggestion . . . 



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OK- I looked at my system and this is what I see:

Using the start up screen, clicking on the "New Project"  TAB,  I see 8 templates.  Two of which I created.

They are located @ "C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Project Templates"  (for CW by BL)

I then added (actually copied and renamed)  the "Basic" template three times (in the above directory)


The three newly created templates showed up in the "Start Screen > New Project".

What also happened was that three other templates were pushed down in the screen (since the new one were higher in the listing due to spelling).

What I could not do, was access the three "pushed down" templates because they were for all practical purposes off the viewing screen.

My conclusion is that there is a glitch (or bug or not programed for . . . ) where any number of project temples higher than the count of 8 can not be accessed with the start screen. and what is accessible has to be named such that it is part of the top tier 8 files.

Now it appears that there is a space for a "scroll bar", but it not there (and not functional).


Now your problem (limit of five) may be that your templates are not in the correct place - go check the

"C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Project Templates"  folder

The other issues above (by me) - may have to be verified that they are expected behavior or a bug to fixed.  I will contact support and see what they say.  I would think is a "no brainer" type fix.  The other thing in mind is, "How many templates do you need for your work flow"?   I would like it to work the way I would expect it to.  You can still fire up any template you want by the  "File> Open"  dialog.




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Hi, Syphus

Thanks for your comment! But the issue I'm having is related to Recent Projects tab on Start Screen, which is limited to 5 projects.

But this started after I made some tests with Project Templates on the corresponding folder to see them on Start Screen. I don't know if I made some other thing that changed Recent Projects tab behavior, or if somehow they are related!


EDIT: I just saw you posted new informations, thanks for sharing!

Edited by mgustavo
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Hi there again . . .

OK - Good news/Bad news  (LOL)

Good:  I found the list

Bad: The list for the most recent files is located in the registry

So depending as to how comfortable you are with your operation system will determine if you want to look and see what is there.  It is the only thing I can think of looking at it to find out if you have only "5" projects listed.

Or just do what I suggested previously (open other files).

If you want to venture in to the registry for a look, let me know and I will tell you how to do it.    I would try the opening other files first (if you don't like messing with your registry.

Otherwise I have no other suggestions at this time


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I contacted Support about my observation of the "Start Screen" whereas the screen only allows me to access 8 start templates.  Below is the answer that I got from Support:



Hi Steve, 

The Start Screen displays up to 16 projects on either the New Project (which shows templates) or Recent Projects tabs. When there are more than 8 projects, a scroll bar will appear on the right side of the Start Screen (you can also scroll it via mouse wheel).

This did not ring true with what I experienced at the time I was looking (at the Start Screen) for this thread.  I plan on revisiting this later today to see if I perhaps am not doing this right (I do not use a mouse - I use the mouse pad for my lap top).  It did appear that the dialog box (start screen)  did try to render a scroll bar - it just failed to provide a functional scroll for me .

For completeness, I'm adding this comment and will update this thread once I see my results . . .



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I don't use the start screen, but I tested it (scroll bar to see beyond 8 items) with File > Start Screen.  At first I saw no scroll bar. After adjusting the angle of my laptop's monitor I saw a very thin scroll bar with the famous dark grey on black theme. I am not sure you can see it below.  Not sure if you are getting it on your display. Not sure if there are colors for the scroll bars in the theme editor, but I will look.  Maybe others know.

For me clicking on the grey area did allow me to see more recent projects (2 more after the first 8 for a total of 10). 

Not sure this helps; just wanted to share my observations.

Addendum: I used the touch pad on my laptop, moved the cursor to the dark grey area, and tapped to "scroll."

Addendum # 2: I copied other *.cwt files (from different versions of SONAR) and put them in the Cakewalk Core / Project Templates folder.  I stopped counting after 40, but I'd say I now have at least 50 templates in there [some are copies] which I can see by using my usual touchpad-to-scroll method--press/hold left button on the scroll bar's hard-to-see drag area and drag up/down on the touch pad.

I did not see any colors in the theme editor that would make the start screen scroll bar more visible. I was able to change some other scroll bars, though.

image.png.177702eca76983814cfd8a459babbc06.png                        image.png.c48bc48591f50a70f3f414b1e14f5a90.png

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
to add info I hope is relevant
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Additional info (an realization)  the scroll bar is "black" and is the length of the window.  If you look closely, you can see the top and bottom of the bar:

(on my system)  the bar is black, the background is grey.  I can move it just barely and see the window move just a hair . . .  I wonder if something to do with my graphics card???  just a thought.


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My eyes can no longer handle tight combinations black, dark grey, medium grey, medium light grey, and light grey, but you are onto something--how different monitors, graphics cards, and various settings might affect the colors and how those colors interact with our eyes (kind of like the optical illusion where some individual's brains "see" dark areas at the intersections of thick lines that are the same color.  (Hope that optical illusion sounds familiar.)

I looked at my post of the scroll bar from the lap top and at an enlargement from my PC. I see you are right--the "grab here" part is black on a medium grey bar. To the right of the Start Screen is a lighter grey.  The main background area of the Start Screen is a different grey and I think the thumbnail and file name are on top of light black that switches to dark black when a user hovers over it.  The frame below the title bar where it says "Welcome" on the right and "SONAR" (!) on the left looks to be the same shade of black as the "grab here" part of the scroll bar.

On my laptop, I clicked on the grey part of the scroll bar (really as you point out the background) which caused the black "grab here" bar to move. On top of that I was only able to see some different shades at a certain angle of the plasma screen.

I just wanted to add that here as it relates to the color/scroll bar issue.  It seems that the newer thread is a good place for the discussion the other related issues, including the number of thumbnails and how to actually click on them to open files.

WARNING: Looking at the image to see the different shades of grade and black might be hazardous to your eye sight!  ?


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