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Larry T.

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Hey Hi. Here is a piece called "Saqqara". This is the first time I've used compression in a mix and it sounded really good as a .wav file on my PC, not as good after uploading to Bandcamp as an .mp3. *EDIT* the truth is, when I posted the song here yesterday night after spending all day finishing it up my mind and ears were, well, probably in Saqqara buried beneath the sands, as what i wrote was completely wrong. I upload .wav files to Bandcamp so my apologies to Bandcamp for my incorrect information regarding the quality of their streaming. After a good nights sleep Saqqara sounds fine on Bandcamp.


Anyway, all comments, questions and constructive criticism welcomed????

link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/saqqara


Saqqara,_Egypt_640x424 Small.jpg


DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab

 pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, SI Drums by CbB effects

reference speakers: M-Audio BX3

Edited by Larry T.
correction of my incorrect comments about Bandcamp.
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Larry , Pretty cool and especially hypnotic.         Enjoyed it ..      

Are you uploading Wav files to Bandcamp ?        I've never used them but , as far as I know All the sites convert to mp3 regardless of what you send them. If you upload an Mp3 , they're going to hit it again .. You will get much better results sending at least 16 bit Wav .

If you are already doing that you're probably just noticing the difference in the streaming quality vs Wav.       mark

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3 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Larry , Pretty cool and especially hypnotic.         Enjoyed it ..      

Are you uploading Wav files to Bandcamp ?        I've never used them but , as far as I know All the sites convert to mp3 regardless of what you send them. If you upload an Mp3 , they're going to hit it again .. You will get much better results sending at least 16 bit Wav .

If you are already doing that you're probably just noticing the difference in the streaming quality vs Wav.       mark

Thanks mark. Appreciate the listen.

Also appreciate the helpful comments you wrote about my comment about uploading .mp3's to Bandcamp....the truth is, when I posted the song here yesterday night after spending all day finishing it up my mind and ears were, well, probably in Saqqara buried beneath the sands, as what i wrote was completely wrong. I upload .wav files to Bandcamp so my apologies to Bandcamp for my incorrect information regarding the quality of their streaming????

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Larry, I love the bassline but it could use a changeup somewhere in there.
You should try using a more exotic scale to make the song sound more Egyptian.  
I don't know what Egyptian music is supposed to sound like, maybe something Middle Eastern.

Well just a suggestion.  I really like the song as is.


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2 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Larry, I love the bassline but it could use a changeup somewhere in there.
You should try using a more exotic scale to make the song sound more Egyptian.  
I don't know what Egyptian music is supposed to sound like, maybe something Middle Eastern.

Well just a suggestion.  I really like the song as is.


Thanks Bjorn. I agree, it could use some additional elements.

This is the first Egyptian music I've tried to write. The research I did revealed that, like Middle Eastern, Egyptian music consists of quarter tones, something that Western music lacks. So, I did a search for Middle Eastern style scales on YouTube and found one I liked and used in the piece. The scale is E, F, G#, A, B, C and D.

I also watched a few YT videos of live performances to try to improve my perception and feel????

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On 9/5/2023 at 7:37 AM, Rikkie said:

Hi Larry ,nice exotic vibe, like it, Djoser would too ?


Thanks Rik. After a long, hot day designing the expansion of Egypt Djoser would be well served with his favorite microbrew and few listens of Saqqara played by the Pharaoh's favorite instrumentalists ??? ?

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On 9/7/2023 at 9:49 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Larry

Like that Bass - definitely hypnotic

Enjoyed this a lot



Thanks Nigel. The hypnotic Bass and percussion sections were the first parts written, everything else was written to enhance those sounds????

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