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Mark McLeod's promotion


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Logged on the forum today and noticed Mark has the Staff insignia next to his name. Just wanted to congratulate Mark on his promotion! Well deserved if you ask me. Has certainly helped me in the past and his extensive knowledge, especially in areas of all things midi should be well known around here. Mark also always manages to keep a cool head on this forum, despite that pint in his hand all the time!

Congratulations Mark!


Edited by Tezza
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Thanks guys!

I'm really enjoying my new role as a Baker. It's a huge change after being in software development management elsewhere for the past 20 years, but I certainly won't miss the politics of my previous job. I've joined a fantastic team of incredibly nice and talented guys,  all who are passionate and focused on continuing to improve and deliver the best experience we can for all of you.

I'll try to keep as active as I can here on the forums, but I'm still getting to grips with 30 years worth of Cakewalk code, so I may not be quite as active as I once was in the short term.

There's a bunch of exciting new things in the road map (as well as some bugs to fix), so I'm hoping my being here will make them a reality a bit sooner.

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16 hours ago, Tezza said:

... , despite that pint in his hand all the time!

I really like British beer (is my favorite beer), so I must counter the sentence above: I would say "due to the pint in his hand"!

But I agree to the rest of your comment, Tezza! ?

Also congratulation to Mark, I am sure he will contribute a lot to CbB!

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On 9/8/2019 at 5:18 AM, msmcleod said:

'll try to keep as active as I can here on the forums, but I'm still getting to grips with 30 years worth of Cakewalk code, so I may not be quite as active as I once was in the short term.

Its okay you can have Noel pick up the slack. He is way behind you in post count!

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On 9/8/2019 at 3:37 AM, Tezza said:

Mark also always manages to keep a cool head on this forum, despite that pint in his hand all the time!

His secret is that he never drinks any of it - have you not noticed that ?

Congrats Mark.

I want to know how this came about and also if there are any vacancies for highly-paid, know nothing wannabees that I can apply for?

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Just for those curious....

The photo was taken after a long hike in the Bavarian alps - so that's German dark beer. And a very nice one it was too.

I've got to confess though, I can count my yearly intake of pints of beer on one (maybe two) hands  nowadays. The though of being woken up with a hangover by my daughter at 6am was enough to make me quit going to the pub!

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15 hours ago, msmcleod said:

to make me quit going to the pub

Wait a second. Where do you get your Fish and Chips and is that only an English thing?

Plus what are you doing mate. Scotland and having beer in your hand :)

Congratulations,  we shall miss you  on the forum but we win with you helping develop Cakewalk software.

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