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The Thought of You


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I like it!, sounds a bit different than your other songs.

On point of critic (I've said it before, wasn't received tooo well...? but want to insist):

After having heard the same chords being repeated a while I'm getting bored, expecting, hoping and waiting for chord or other changes, something that is unexpected and catches the listener: modulation, chord changes, tempo changes, different scale, different verse-bridge-chorus etc. Listen to the Beatles or whatever, there are so many examples. Check Rick Beato - What Makes This Song Great?   He gives endless examples.

I like your sound, voice, the recording quality, I think there's great potential and it can become much better when taking the feedback here into account. 


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4 hours ago, Teegarden said:

I like it!, sounds a bit different than your other songs.

On point of critic (I've said it before, wasn't received tooo well...? but want to insist):

After having heard the same chords being repeated a while I'm getting bored, expecting, hoping and waiting for chord or other changes, something that is unexpected and catches the listener: modulation, chord changes, tempo changes, different scale, different verse-bridge-chorus etc. Listen to the Beatles or whatever, there are so many examples. Check Rick Beato - What Makes This Song Great?   He gives endless examples.

I like your sound, voice, the recording quality, I think there's great potential and it can become much better when taking the feedback here into account. 


I very much appreciate your help on this song Teegarden, I am kind  of limited because I bought the guitar part. It came in two samples that I was able to fit together because they were both in the same key and tempo and probably played on the same guitar by the same person, plus also recorded with the same apparatus and setup.

I buy these samples because they represent a lot of skill, set into a small package. It is my job to place things around them so the song does not get tedious too soon.

 In this case, since this is a work in progress there are a number of elements that have not been added yet to the song. I might suggest that adding changes to the chords can sometime create jarring occurrences and work against the flow.  It has to be done tastefully. In the right cases even a drone in music can be made interesting. It is the job of the producer to make that happen.

I did look around with the same artist for other changes and I was unable to find other samples that would t fit into the style of this particular piece.

I have not added pads yet, I would like the drums to pop in and out of the mix more. I am thinking of a Hammond type organ, Maybe some strings, trumpets (maybe a trumpet solo) and possibly some other background vocal as well, oos, ahhs, dubs and harmonies. 

These other elements will distract the listener and hopefully keep their interest with the subtle layers of high quality sounds and performances.

That is the plan at least. ??

I might add that this song will be replaced with a much more "produced" version of the song. I like to release the song to my fans before it gets produced because some prefer a less produced song. I replace the song so my fans can get the second song free when it comes out because it is replaced and not a new release altogether.

Currently this song has only 4 tracks. Vocal, guitar drums and bass.

Edited by RexRed
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh more brazilian touch.beautiful.i adore this type of music.my favorite is ivan lins from brasil.jack c

       what is that acoustic guitar vst plugin.

it sound as if some notes run into others at times.

i say leave song as is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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19 hours ago, RexRed said:

I am kind  of limited because I bought the guitar part. It came in two samples that I was able to fit together because they were both in the same key and tempo and probably played on the same guitar by the same person, plus also recorded with the same apparatus and setup.

I get it, I thought you played it yourself.  So the suggestions are just not possible. Well, then your ideas with other instruments and vocals are the only way?
It is a very nice guitar part indeed anyway!

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Hi Rex
Very nice! I was reminded of Chris Isaak's Blue Spanish Sky on first listen.

I had pegged you as country western but lately you're more into pop or some sub genre of pop which I think works better for you. I really like your C&W songs but they seem to be more in the classic style of CW (and which is why I like them) and maybe aren't so popular today?  

Anyway, just 2 cents from a fan.

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Great singing; your voice is very rich and warm, very inviting. And this is a great mix; you don't need a crapton of tracks to make it work.

I would second Teegarden's advice; if possible, I'd like a chorus, or some variation in the harmonic progression of the song. But that's just a personal preference; this works very well.

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