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Practicing To Drum Groove & Change Tempo With Sustain Pedal

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I have a project with the tempo changing +4 bpm every bar and currently select a tempo and press play on drum VST

I want to be able to move to next bar and up the tempo without leaving the instrument and was thinking I could use it to start play back and stop it when it gets to the next bar or preferably for it just to jump to he next bar when its pressed

Is this doable ?


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I already have a project  that is tempo mapped (Speed increases by +4bpm every bar).

What I'm wanting to do is play a line on my Bass at a certain tempo until it's 'Under The Fingers' and then increase the tempo by having the now marker move forward a bar.

Cant have it play like a song as at faster speeds it will take longer to get right.

Now the idea is to keep playing ... tap the sustain pedal and get it to advance to the next bar thus upping the tempo 

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You wont be able to control tempo like this using a sustain pedal.

You can probably use the sustain pedal to "Move to next marker" as you mentioned in previous post (CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP). But not to increase tempo by 4BPMs. Not even sure you can use it to control "increase by 1 BPM"

Wish I had a better answer for you.

EDIT: I re read your comment again and it appears you already have a tempo map created,

So follow @Blogospherianman instructions below. Unless someone has something easier to use.

Edited by Chuck E Baby
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You can use ACT to assign CC64 to advance to next bar (Ctrl + Page Down)  (or next marker even, Ctrl + shift + Page Down). I did test it first to make sure it was possible.  There are two problems with that though.  Even a switch style Sustain pedal Sends CC64  127 for sustain and then CC64 0 when the pedal is released. So for every press and release you’d be 2 bars down.  Then continuous Sustain pedals sen CC64  0 - 127 ending you up a couple hundred bars away.  Also even switch style Pedals through some keyboards (like Roland RDs) will send a sharp ramp of 4 CC64 messages in a quick row (varying simetimes CC64 (16,72,110,127) on sustain and CC64 (62,11,0) on release. So  you’re jumping 7 bars with this style of pedal and keyboard.

The solution involves filtering the CC64 via Cakewalk FX Midi Event Filter. You’ll need 2 midi ins and 1 midi out for this.

1. Setup a midi track with input from your keyboard and Enable Input monitoring on that midi track.  (I’m using a Roland RD-700gx via USB).

2. Insert Midi Event Filter (Midi FX) and tick the Controllers box and set the CC to 64 (top and bottom value). Set the Value to 127 (top and bottom) This filters all but the value of 127 allowing one measure increments. ?

3 Set the output of THAT midi track to a midi out. Run a cable from that Output to another Midi input. (You can use software midi cable if you like)

4 Setup an ACT midi controller via Control bar or Preferences, Midi, Control surfaces.  Click Add new control surface, select Act Midi Controller. Set the Input port to the Midi in that you ran your cable to and Output to None.

5 From the ACT Property page vis ACT module go to Options tab, then Buttons Bank 1 B1 and click the selection area to the right of ‘B1’ and select ‘Go to end of this measure ore end of next measure’ from the dropdown menu.

6 Now go back to the Controller tab and Click in the space at the bottom of the Bank1 B1 button that says EndOfthsMOEN. It will say Midi learn. Step on your sustain pedal. It will learn it.

Now you can advance your bars with the sustain pedal!

You could even setup sections of different tempos that last a minute or more at each tempo and put Markers at each of those sections and Advance to Next Marker instead. That way you have longer to practice at each tempo while still advancing when ready.

Hope that helps! ?✌️

I can send a GIF of the setup process if you need. 


Edited by Blogospherianman
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