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Quick shout out to the mods! ​?​


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Thanks for handling last night's latest spam-bot attack!  ??

Not even sure how many people saw it (about 11:30 pm PDT), but it disappeared fast enough!

We're getting more of these *****hats lately.  They've probably rediscovered this book (from2014)!



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They've been doing their best to give us a hammering today too, actually, but luckily we have people in a lot of different timezones now (there was sometimes a gap here and there where they'd slip through) and we've managed to keep on top of it lately.  The forum upgrade seems like it's definitely going to be helpful with getting rid of these pests a little easier!

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9 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

 The forum upgrade seems like it's definitely going to be helpful with getting rid of these pests a little easier!

Just check the settings!  I haven't seen anything lately from Strummy.  False positives???!  ??

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Actually I want to give a shout out to all of the other mods! I hopped on board a couple of weeks back when we got absolutely belted so I could help clean up (being in a different time zone to most/all of the other mods is a handy thing!) and it was pretty bad. But then I had a look through the past reports and clean-up history and man... there was so much stuff we never saw as users! It was all nuked before it became a problem, and it was substantial. So LOTS of respect from this new guy!

But yes, the first thing I said when I hopped on board is "what tools are on the backend to sort this out?" and there definitely was a lot of good stuff in place - it'd be many magnitudes worse if this stuff wasn't there - but I'm hoping the updated framework that's just being rolled out will help even more. I had a good look over the forum provider's docs and this new version looks pretty great.

Also, big cheers to you guys for reporting this stuff too! We don't always see stuff, so the more of us keeping an eye on anyone crapping in our backyard, the better! :) 

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