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"Satienalia" Satie inspired classical guitar piece


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Hi All, I've been working on this Satie inspired piece for a while now but couldn't play it like I wanted to. This afternoon I plugged in my acoustic/electric to record it to hear back what I'm doing wrong and now I could play it through to the end, go figure ?


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Nice classical piece and performance.    Been there with the guitar parts not coming together.    Often you revisit them one last time and it all comes together for some reason.   Anyway, good work and great listen.



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It has quite a rubato feel (which I quite like), it's easy to overcook the tempo changes, good tone and technique on those gliss notes.

What guitar is it out of interest and did you mic it or DI?

I like the  harmonic to finish ? is this an original composition? 


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Hi Mark, thanks for listening, glad you like it.I wasn’t planning to make a proper recording, so no pressure ?

Hi KSband, thanks !

Hi Andy, thanks, glad you like it. This is my Lag  acoustic/electric plugged into a zoom ac2 di’d.  As far as anything is really original, this is my attempt at it ?




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27 minutes ago, Rikkie said:

Hi ? Andy, thanks, glad you like it. This is my Lag  acoustic/electric plugged into a zoom ac2 di’d.  As far as anything is really original, this is my attempt at it 


In that case, extra kudos to you.

I don't suppose you'd be up for sharing the dots or tab - I wouldn't mind a go at it - sounds like a challenge.

Great work


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 Very Nice. I Love the clean tone on your guitar and especially your reverb choice for this. It envelops you and was just right to me . It sounded Especially good just using a single guitar.   Nice ..     I remember spending three  months reproducing one of your "off the cuff" noodling blues tunes.   I learned a lot from you on that project and had a 5 gig audio folder to clean up after All the overdubs.            Your talent is very inspiring.          Loved it ..  mark

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