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Nothing was True - our first AI Video!

Bajan Blue

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On 7/23/2023 at 7:03 PM, bjornpdx said:

Outstanding of you Nigel to provide training and experience for unemployed youth.
Nicely done video. I like how the lyrics are coordinated with the music which isn't easy to do.

Hi Bjorn

Thanks - honestly, there is just so much untapped talent and because of our wholly incompetent and corrupt Politicians, so much is going to waste?

My "scholar" has just finished the video for the next release - i think it is even better!! so proud of the work he is doing, so proud.

Keep well




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On 7/25/2023 at 12:29 AM, Ross Smithe said:

As always, really fantastic work on this to Nigel. Top-tier songwriting, performance, and production. Really enjoyed it! Also, sounds like great work you're doing with the young people there, keep that cranked up for sure! ??

Hi Ross - really appreciate the kind comments and the work with the youngsters is continuing apace - the next video is another one which I think is even better than this one!!!




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On 7/26/2023 at 5:35 PM, PhonoBrainer said:

Very very pro. The bgv's and lead vocal have a wonderful delay treatment and interplay, so so good.

the video was killer, edited wonderfully, was it a crapton of After Effects templates?  :)  Honestly, to serve the song, the video might pull back a little on the wizardry. But as it's a learning excercise, holy cow, nice editing chops for sure. Kudos to your team!

The audio is top notch in all respects.




Hi Tom

Thanks so much for the positive comments  - shall definitely pass them on re the video

Much appreciated




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On 7/27/2023 at 5:27 AM, noynekker said:

Just a treat for the ears (and eyes) Nigel, just a treat ! . . . only way it would be more entertaining is if you actually smashed that guitar (c/w pieces flying) . . . hmmm, well maybe a cheap guitar prop. Also, enjoyed the synth sequencer, really helps drive it along against your excellent guitar work. Vocals rock, you know.

Hi - Thanks so much for the great comments and I'm so pleased you liked the track - I like the idea of the guitar pieces flying all over the place - problem is I love all my guitars too much so I'd have to use someone else's!!!!!!!

Thanks again




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On 8/3/2023 at 5:21 AM, Bajan Blue said:

honestly, there is just so much untapped talent and because of our wholly incompetent and corrupt Politicians, so much is going to waste?

Hey, I thought you were talking about South Africa??

Great effort, long after people forget about your music they will remember your good deeds, especially if this is an endowment.

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On 8/1/2023 at 1:31 AM, Lynn Wilson said:


Hi Lynn

Thanks so much, appreciated


On 8/1/2023 at 3:05 PM, hsmusic said:

Great work all around; track, production, video..nice!

Thanks for the very kind comments

always appreciate your time



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