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Viewing Raw Tracks


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I have gotten the multitracks for some songs off of the internet and have been mixing those songs for practice. After mixing, I've been wondering if there's any way that I can view my projects in their raw state without having to turn all the faders back to 0 and having to strip away all the FX plug-ins manually. I don't even know if this is possible but it would be nice.

Edited by Darion
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5 minutes ago, OutrageProductions said:

Or you could <Save a Copy As> with a 'raw' name and then reset it and strip out all the bells & tweaks.

I do a lot of "Save As" too.

Saving under different names in the same project folder sharing the same audio predates fancy stuff like mix recall.


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Ok. It took me a minute to figure how to get Mix Recall to pop up but I did that and was able to view the raw mix. I created two scenes of my mixed tracks and then reset one of them to the raw version. So now, I can easily flip between them. I could also use this as a tool for making multiple mixes which is cool. Thank you all so much for your help! :)

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