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Remember My Name - new original


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I'll join the chorus of kudos above.  What a cool and interesting song.  It starts off with kind of a Cuban-Reggae sound (the keyboard gave it that Cuban feel) and then it is carried along with with a dominate reggae feel .  The lyrics are very clever and to marry the lyrics with the musical style was brilliant.   Kudos also on your vocals  --- bery nice.  I have nothing to add to the production comments above as I am not well versed in that area.  However, by my comments, you may have realized that I really liked this song.  Well done!!!

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:57 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

There's some serious reggae going on here - sounds cool.  Nice job Daryl -  I enjoyed it.

The mix sounded fine to me - this song was very interesting  - it hooked me in and I wanted more.

Thanks a lot Doug

On 8/29/2019 at 12:49 PM, Andrew Ball said:

Production is great with great instrument separation on my cans and the lyrics are well crafted (which I always appreciate). Although I agree with @bjornpdx about the rhyming in v1 - I did think that was clever (and I may steal that idea) ? - would have been great to see that carried to v2, but I know that when you end up searching for a rhyme it can end up sounding contrived so vive la difference!




Thanks Andy

On 8/29/2019 at 4:40 PM, garybrun said:

I liked this song.
Listened to to lyrics... very good.
I also like your voice.

Personal taste... should such a subject should it have such a happy cool bounce to it?
I don't know your memories...  maybe that's where it comes from?

Thanks Gary. 

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On 8/29/2019 at 5:30 PM, markno999 said:


As always, fantastic original song and production.     This song's use of lyrical dissonance does an exceptional job of contrasting the subtle and unpredictable path of the person with the writer's perspective of who the person "was".    Really clever production.


Thanks a lot Mark - hope you are well mate

On 8/29/2019 at 5:55 PM, kakku said:

Very cool. I think this was unlike other songs I have heard, which is a sign of originality I think. It is your unique style I believe

Very kind of you Kakku

On 8/29/2019 at 8:19 PM, Hidden Symmetry said:

 Interesting mix of styles along with the subject matter. Kind of a mix of reggae, parisian. Mix sounds good here too, enjoyed it. -Great job.

Thanks a lot - I really appreciate the listen

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On 9/2/2019 at 9:12 AM, kennywtelejazz said:

Hi Daryl ,

Loved your unique tones , the vocals , the use of space in the mix and the interjection of some choice world rhythms .

Your new song  Remember My Name  happens to be  one of the most interesting sounding songs I've heard anyplace in a real long time .

all the best,





Cheers Kenny - you're too kind mate

On 9/2/2019 at 8:19 PM, freddy j said:

I'll join the chorus of kudos above.  What a cool and interesting song.  It starts off with kind of a Cuban-Reggae sound (the keyboard gave it that Cuban feel) and then it is carried along with with a dominate reggae feel .  The lyrics are very clever and to marry the lyrics with the musical style was brilliant.   Kudos also on your vocals  --- bery nice.  I have nothing to add to the production comments above as I am not well versed in that area.  However, by my comments, you may have realized that I really liked this song.  Well done!!!

:) thanks so much Freddy 

On 9/3/2019 at 3:49 PM, thegaltieribrothers said:

Hi Daryl,

Definitely a latin reggae feel to this one - great lyrics and touching chorus.

A great song produced to your excellent standards.

Thanks for sharing.

Good Job!



Very kind of you Paul - thanks mate

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On 9/8/2019 at 3:51 AM, pistolpete said:

A bit different and interesting. Nice tones and effects, not overdone. Good job.   ?

Thanks a lot Pistolpete - very kind of you

On 9/8/2019 at 4:19 AM, jmasno5 said:

A good one!  A fantastic clear and clean mix.  I listened in my studio.

Cool - I'm glad it came across well. Thanks mate

On 9/8/2019 at 9:25 PM, Leizer said:

The subject is very close to me, too. I found the song comforting, strangely enough. You are a master at lyrics!

Other than that - just another great song, I guess.

Thanks Lasse my mate - sorry to hear you are going through it too - live for today my friend

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19 hours ago, SteveC said:

Late to the party...     loved it.    How you managed to overlay that lyrical content over that music is interesting to say the least, but of course you did it so well.   As per usual. 

Thanks so much Steve - how have you been? Great to see you around

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