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freddy j

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Here is a simple, no-frills, rock 'n roll/rockabilly number done up in early 1960's style.  I even tried to emulate the rather "exuberant" drum fills that were around at that time.  The lyrics tell a simple story (with a wee bit of a talking section) and the point of the story is that sometimes when you lose you can also win.  Hot Dog!!!

I hope that it gives you a bit of a giggle!  Comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. will be kindly appreciated.





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Hey Freddy, I like that chooglin' beat - an early 60s toe tapper fo sho.  Cool use of those drum fills too -- bass could use a tad more compression I think.  Another good one in the Freddy canon -- see what I did there? -- :)


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Thanks Allan!  There are a few things that I want to fix up on this (when time permits) and I'll  give the bass a look over when I get there.  Thanks for the input and kind comments.  Oh ya, I did see what you did there!  Well played!!!!  My job used to require me to go to Tallahassee occasionally but as I am happily married, I never did have a "Tallahassee Lassie" (oops, sorry about that  --- not so well played).

Hey Jesse.  Thanks pal!  I appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.  BTW, there really was (and still is but differently) a King's Highway.

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks for listening and for your kind comments and suggestion.  As I mentioned to Allan above, I want to fix up a few things on this number and my vocal timing will be one of those things.  I have the most fun doing a song when I'm telling a story.  So, had some kind of fun doing this number.  Thanks again.

Hey Amiller.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.  I do appreciate it!  I will be looking at the vocals as mentioned above. 

Hi Daryl.  Drum fills -- ya they did tend to go on a bid, didn't they.  I know back in the  early 1960's, at least here in Florida, those long fills were kinda popular (at least with the drummers).  I was trying to capture that memory and I'll be taking another look at the vocals.  Thanks again.

Hi Grem.  Thanks very much for listening and for your kind comments.  I'm glad that you liked it.  I am a bit of a sucker for a song that tells a story.

Hi John B.  Thank you very much!  I was hoping that I could get close to the feel of that genre of that era.  Thanks again!

Hey Old Joad.  The picture is a clip from American Graffiti (a movie with which I can identify).   I appreciate your taking time to listen and comment.  Thanks.

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High Old Joad.  Ya, that was one of my favourites also!  Where was I in '62 ? ---- probably in trouble as usual.  ?

Hi Douglas.  Thanks very much Douglas.  Petty --  he is from up the road a piece from me (about 2hours).  He started out around the Gainseville area and I'm sure that he was introduced to that real rockabilly sound.  The drums were a bit elaborate (?) but those long fills are what I remember the Florida bands using during that time.  Thanks very much for listening and commenting.

My apologies to both for the delay in responding. 

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Hi Hidden Symmetry.  Thanks, it's nice when the subject of the song can have relevance to some one.  Back when I was a teenager, cars were the thing.  A cat without a car -- well, that was a handicap.  I appreciate that you took the time to listen and comment.

Hi Kevin.  Ya, I was kind of reaching back in style on this one but as a wee bit of a lad, I used to like this kind of music.  I'm glad that it took you back. Thanks for listening and for your comments  --- much appreciated.

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