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How do I fix the message "There are no audio devices for the current driver model on your system?"

Matthew Nuttall


So, I recently installed the latest Cakewalk update (I believe it's version 2019.07, I'm not 100% sure on the name, though., maybe). After this update, every time I attempt to open Cakewalk, I receive the message "There are no audio devices for the current driver model on your system. Please go to Edit | Preferences | Audio | Playback and Recording and choose a different driver model." Then afterwards, I press "Okay," Cakewalk opens, and I can open a project, where I receive the message "The following tracks and buses are currently assigned to a silent hardware output. The items listed below will by silent in your project until their outputs are reassigned to an appropriate hardware output." Below it, it says simply "Master." Then none of my projects will play back- I can press play, but it is completely silent. I also am unable to record- I can press arm for record, but then the record button does nothing. 

I did what the first message asked, and went to change my driver model. I went through every driver model I have available, and all of them had the same effect. I can't use any of them. Then I did a bit more research, and learned that the second message I receive after Cakewalk is open can also occur due to track or bus output being assigned to “None,” which I don't believe is my issue, but maybe? I've never had this issue with Cakewalk before this update, and I'm not 100% clear on what to do to fix it. 

Sorry  if my question was phrased poorly or badly explained, I'm fairly new to Cakewalk and music production in general. 

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Best to provide information about the audio interface, driver mode and project sample rate being used. The interface or driver mode is not setup properly or has changed since the project's creation.

Make sure the correct audio interface is selected in preferences and set the driver mode.

Here is a setup guide that may help with interface and driver mode setting. Use "SONAR Platinum" as the product. If the guide recommends MME and the PC is running Win10, try the WASAPI driver mode settings.

There are two ways CbB sets the sample rate for a project.

  1. If the project does not contain any audio clips, the sample rate is read from the Default Settings for New Projects - Sample Rate in preferences
  2. If the project contains audio clips, the sample rate is read from one of the audio clip headers.


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I had the exact same message just today. The problem was caused by a power blink. All I did to fix it was unplug my interface from the computer and plug it back in. After that I opened cakewalk up and a window popped up that said a new device (focusright scarlett 18i20) was recognized, do you want cakewalk to add it? Just hit yes. This added my interface to the list of outputs I was able to choose from. This can be caused by other things than just a power blink. Its basically cakewalk not recognizing all available outputs.

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  On 8/21/2021 at 12:43 PM, msmcleod said:

This usually means that Cakewalk is set to use ASIO and it can't open any ASIO devices.

This could be because:

- Your audio device has gone to sleep or is unplugged

- Another application is using it



I got this message yesterday on my DAW. The last time I used CbB I was using a Boss SY-1000 as an interface. When I opened CbB yesterday the SY-1000 was powered off and a MOTU M4 was powered on. When I opened preferences the M4 was there, but as expected nothing was checked. Checking the appropriate boxes everything was fine. Seems like it could be a case of switching devices as well - I use both the SY-1000 and M4 in ASIO mode.

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  On 8/21/2021 at 3:23 PM, rsinger said:

I got this message yesterday on my DAW. The last time I used CbB I was using a Boss SY-1000 as an interface. When I opened CbB yesterday the SY-1000 was powered off and a MOTU M4 was powered on. When I opened preferences the M4 was there, but as expected nothing was checked. Checking the appropriate boxes everything was fine. Seems like it could be a case of switching devices as well - I use both the SY-1000 and M4 in ASIO mode.


How do I know if another application is using my asio driver? I'm using Tascam US 2x2. Did not have this problem until I edited a video a 9/10/2021.

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The first thing to do is open preferences and see if the Tascam US appears in the audio devices. If so that's not the problem. Then make sure that audio tracks are routed to a bus. Then check that buses are routed to master and that the master is routed to the Tascam.

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I just want to stick my hand up here and say something encouraging...

Six months ago, I was where you are now. I was new to DAWs and nothing - nothing - would work like it was supposed to. Every single step was painful. Every solution  I  tried seemed to balls up two other things it had taken me  a week to get right. It was very, very frustrating and discouraging. 

It's hard, and I still don't understand why it has to be. No, I do. It was a combination of lack of knowledge and understandable impatience. But it passes.

And here's the good news. You're in the right place. I spent a small fortune on a Cubase licence, and could not get my head around it. Looking for help, I went to various Cubase forums, and I didn't feel at all supported or understood. I felt stupid, is what I felt.  

I switched to Cakewalk because I discovered the brilliant videos of Creative Sauce, and they made sense to me. Having made that switch, I joined up here - and I was not made to feel stupid, even when my questions and struggles were quite....well...basic. 

So, this is a little aside to express my own gratitude for this forum, and to assure you that what you're going through is not that unusual, and that everyone here understands that.

...okay, that's the end of the sloppy bit. I shall go back to being my usual acerbic and unpleasant self.


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