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Until August 31 Cherry Audio is offering "Voltage Modular Nucleus" for FREE

Larry Shelby

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It looks to me like the Nucleus modules are pretty much duplicates of the Ignite included modules, with the possible exception of Attenuverter.  So if you somehow got hold of Ignite with fewer modules at some early point the Nucleus freebie may give you some new modules--maybe look at it as a free upgrade to Ignite from something less. On the other hand they are offering the upgrade from Voltage Ignite to Voltage Core (in spite of the odd name Core  is the more complete full version) for $25 on their site. Which gives you an additional 47(?)  modules if you already own Ignite plus Electro Drums (ED)--whatever the heck that is. And if you do not own any version of Voltage, the Core version +ED is on sale for $50 on the Cherry Audio Store site and less at some distributors.

If you want to go insane jiggering with modular synthesis without spending thousands on analog modules, this is definitely the way to do it. 


Edited by slartabartfast
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Core > Ignite > Nucleus

Core+Electro Drums for $49 is a steal. I got it for $84 some months ago and have no regrets.

I'll probably get the PSP Ultimate bundle for $80 to compliment it in this sale and, after that, I'll stop buying modules and I'll try to put that thing to good use.

Edited by Sergio
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The PSP modules are decent. Like a lot of the early modules there is a lack of CV control. Fortunately Cherry Audio released a paid module called Remote Control to add CV to most module UI controls. Remote Control is available separately and as part of the "Cherry Audio Year One Collection," a discounted bundle of all the paid modules written by Cherry Audio.

Those interested in modular may want to check out the free VeeSeeVee Rack (a VST version of VCV Rack 0.6)

It contains most of the free VCV modules released with v0.6.

VeeSeeVee Rack may be loaded into the Voltage Modular using the plug-in host modules available in the Voltage Modular Core package.

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i saw a module that can insert "plugins "in ? am i tripping or is it the case ? if so this would makes it a beast !!

So where to get the core + drum deal , i only see the core offer

Edited by Zo
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Yes, there are two plug-in host modules. This is the description full size module (there is "mini" version of this module with fewer controls). It supports VST2 and VST3 plug-ins.


Note the "Big Disclaimer" in the link. I have a problem with the hosts retaining Eventide settings but so far they are the only plug-ins I have with this trouble. Don't use Waves plug-ins. Suspect they are part of the reason for the "Big Disclaimer."


The Core+Drum deal at their store is here. Resellers may have it for a few dollars less.


As nice as it is, I have to wonder how well it compete again VCV Rack when it is released as a VST. I believe VCV Rack VST is due near the end of the year.

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1 hour ago, scook said:

Yes, there are two plug-in host modules. This is the description full size module (there is "mini" version of this module with fewer controls). It supports VST2 and VST3 plug-ins.


Note the "Big Disclaimer" in the link. I have a problem with the hosts retaining Eventide settings but so far they are the only plug-ins I have with this trouble. Don't use Waves plug-ins. Suspect they are part of the reason for the "Big Disclaimer."


The Core+Drum deal at their store is here. Resellers may have it for a few dollars less.


As nice as it is, I have to wonder how well it compete again VCV Rack when it is released as a VST. I believe VCV Rack VST is due near the end of the year.

i was more considering this for filters (moog) and sounsources !! so this might be the only add on i will need lol !!!

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1 hour ago, scook said:

Yes, there are two plug-in host modules. This is the description full size module (there is "mini" version of this module with fewer controls). It supports VST2 and VST3 plug-ins.


Note the "Big Disclaimer" in the link. I have a problem with the hosts retaining Eventide settings but so far they are the only plug-ins I have with this trouble. Don't use Waves plug-ins. Suspect they are part of the reason for the "Big Disclaimer."


The Core+Drum deal at their store is here. Resellers may have it for a few dollars less.


As nice as it is, I have to wonder how well it compete again VCV Rack when it is released as a VST. I believe VCV Rack VST is due near the end of the year.

What modules / bundle would you recommend ? did ya compared this system to reaktor ?

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Never warmed up to Reaktor.  It is a powerful platform. Blocks is NI answer to the new modular synths coming from manufacturers like Softube, Cherry Audio and VCV. I played around with the first generation of Block but it was little more than a minor UI update. The latest version works a little better but I still prefer the Cherry Audio and VCV workflow.

If I was just starting out with Voltage Modular, the Core+Drums and One Year Collection is a decent deal for $150.

Never thought about buying Individual modules, bundles are a better deal. But it may be better to cherry pick the more expensive bundles for the modules that fit what one is trying to do.

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Please do not upload large images. They get downsized making details illegible. When uploading error message, crop the image to show only message details or better still use an image server (ex. imgur.com) and embed links to images instead of uploading. Linked images do not get resized or count against the 50MB per user image quota.


Cherry Audio support is pretty good.  They also run a forum and have a presence on kvr. I am sure they are facebook too,

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32 minutes ago, Zo said:

I'm having this issue since i try to open what i did yesturday :




Cheery audio issue.JPG

I run the stand alone quite a bit but have never seen this message. Looks like a support opportunity (after reinstalling).

Maybe conflicting java installs (guessing). The only java installed on my PC is the one added by Cherry Audio.

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