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Yet another new song,

I wrote this song about 10 hours ago.

Some of the guitar part is "out of phase" but it sounded good so I left it.

I am unsure what to do with out of phase tracks sometimes.

I know in mono they will cancel but in the brain sometimes they cause nice effects.


Let me know what you think awesome Cakewalk peeps, thanks!  


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On 7/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, AndyB01 said:

Minor crit - I'd go for a softer and more subtle string sound - really excellent vocal work as always.

Great work


I agree, the strings are not right and I need something else instead. Luckily I have not published this song yet and I can still work to get a better, more subtle sound for the strings.

Edited by RexRed
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On 7/4/2023 at 1:38 PM, jack c. said:

during verse leave out harmony.wonderful.jack c

During the verse there are "dubs" where I sing certain lines in unison. They are a bit strong.

I will look into toning them down a bit.

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You have a good voice and a good song. Needs some more editing. I'd place/pan the guitar plucks 30-40 degrees left & right and throw the strings very wide and to the back. Main Vox dead center and harmonies wrapped around 15-20 degrees left & right.  This would give you a balanced presentation. Another option is place the strings and guitars opposite. One to the left and the other to the right.  Adjust the volumes to establish depth. You could use volume automation to achieve movement. Louder to be more upfront and quite to move the instrument back.

The rest is artistic choices you'll have to make.  You have enough material to work with, and not everything needs to be playing at the same time.  Create certain spots to bring a certain instrument forward  or move it to the back, or just rest. Harmonies are very nice but don't overdue them - a personal fault of my own.  Pick the best spots and get rid of the rest.

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8 hours ago, FreeEarCandy said:

You have a good voice and a good song. Needs some more editing. I'd place/pan the guitar plucks 30-40 degrees left & right and throw the strings very wide and to the back. Main Vox dead center and harmonies wrapped around 15-20 degrees left & right.  This would give you a balanced presentation. Another option is place the strings and guitars opposite. One to the left and the other to the right.  Adjust the volumes to establish depth. You could use volume automation to achieve movement. Louder to be more upfront and quite to move the instrument back.

The rest is artistic choices you'll have to make.  You have enough material to work with, and not everything needs to be playing at the same time.  Create certain spots to bring a certain instrument forward  or move it to the back, or just rest. Harmonies are very nice but don't overdue them - a personal fault of my own.  Pick the best spots and get rid of the rest.

All awesome suggestions FreeEarCandy, I just spent the last 5 hours working on this song. After finishing my changes I came here and noticed your post.

I hope the changes I made are in concert with your ideas.

I did close to a thousand changes or more.

I put the guitars in phase... It was so all over the place that I could not get the song to mix.

I think it is better now.

I did try and make subtle changes and shifts so the only thing that plays throughout are the rhythm guitar parts which I try and mask a bit here and there.

 The harmonies are subdued, I added new pads and took out the brash brass and replaced it with some wet warm strings. And an Omnisphere pad and other pads.

There are several pads that take turns. Added the Oos at the end as well. 

I added a guitar solo here and there. Re-sung a line.

Added a ton of effects to everything.

 Did a lot of lead vocal editing.

It is not as acoustic as I wanted it, it is more new age with a synthy feel.

I call this genre, "folk rock".

Quite a stone's throw away from the urban hardcore punk rock that I usually do. lol ?

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