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Assigning drums vst to diff tracks

T Boog

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Hi guys. I'm using the Slate Drum vst. Can yall please refer me to a video that teaches how to assign the diff kit pieces to diff tracks? I really just need to send the kick drum to a separate track as the rest of the kit. Im also wondering, once the kick is routed to a diff track, will I still see the kick drum midi notes on the same track as the rest of the kit in piano roll view?

IOWs, will I have to keep switching  between the two tracks to move notes around between the kick and the rest of the drum kit or will the whole kit still show on one track?  Thanks a lot!

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I am on my phone, but when using the Insert menu, you have the option for 'all synths outputs' or something like that. 

That will give you an audio track for each piece, but you will still have the MIDI in 1 track.

I am not sure how to do that for existing synths without deleting the synth and re-inserting it, but it's probably possible.

Again, that's using Insert from the top.

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Assuming the VST supports multiple outputs, the process is:

1. Create a new audio track.

2. Go into the VST and tell the kick drum to go out a new output (like the 3+4 stereo pair.) The rest will still go out the normal 1+2 stereo pair.

3. Go to the audio track and change the Input to be the VST 3+4 stereo output.

You should now have the kick drum on a separate track.

Audio tracks can be told to "listen" to other VST outputs. I use this process or split out my bass drum, snare and overhead.  I can add effects to each as I want. You can do this with muli-synth VSTs to give them their own track while only having one instance loaded.


Edited by Terry Kelley
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Hey Terry & Gregy, I just wanted to tell yall I got it. The kick drum is now routed to a diff track. Man it's amazing how I had built it in my head to be a difficult procedure and it turned out to be a snap. A cakewalk even ?. Sincere Thanks Guys!

Edited by Tarrell Freeze
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Definitely. Btw, thanks again Terry. I been cramming  hard to record a song I wrote for my daughter about her best friend who died in a car wreck a year ago. I can't wait to surprise her with it. So I'm super thankful for all u guys here on the forum. Every small step forward gives me that much more confidence in myself. God Bless!

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