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Deleting Project to free up space, and eliminat clutter question

Jesse Screed

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Hello all,

Because I generate a project practically everyday,

And because over half of them lead to nowhere (IMO?).

Thus taking over gigs of space,

As well as leading to confusion,

I am reviewing, and deleting many of them.

I store all audio on per project basis, so when I delete a project, am I deleting all remnants of it, or are bits of it stored elsewhere besides the project folder? And if bits are stored elsewhere, where should I look to delete those bits too?

Also, when I choose to rename a project, should I use the Save As function, or just go into the file folder and change it there?  Does the Save As function create another project?

I looked in the manual, but could not make sense of it.  I am not good at making sense, sometimes.



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13 minutes ago, Jesse Screed said:

I store all audio on per project basis, so when I delete a project, am I deleting all remnants of it,..?

yes, if "delete a project" means delete a project folder containing the project file and all the contents of the project folder.

13 minutes ago, Jesse Screed said:

Also, when I choose to rename a project, should I use the Save As function, or just go into the file folder and change it there?  Does the Save As function create another project? 

Renaming a project at the OS level is different than the "Save As" function. The "Save As" function creates a new project file and optionally creates a new project folder structure with a copy of the audio files referenced in the project.

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