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Ample Sound updates 14 virtual guitars to v3.7 - new Riffer and Scalable UI

Larry Shelby

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Ample Sound has updated 14 virtual guitar plugins to v3.7 with a new Riffer system and Scalable UI size.

New Features:

A new Riffer system with improved MIDI export function and optimized strumming sounds; All Ample products' riffs are inter-compatible.

UI size scaling function.

Updated legato system, supporting slides and hammer-on/pull-off across different strings (polyphonic) and different frets, and the start notes on multiple strings can be played at different times.

Optimized accuracy when exporting from Strummer to Riffer, changing the export from 'overwrite current bar' to 'add a new bar' in Riffer.

Updated preset files for all 14 guitars.

Bug fixes:

Fixed an issue where the plugin might fail to load in large projects on Mac systems.

Fixed an issue where some notes may not stop properly during fast hammer-on/pull-off.

Fixed an issue where the playing speed of Strummer/Riffer/Tab is not correct with certain sample rates.

Fixed an issue where some notes may not be updated correctly when switching patterns in Strummer.

Fixed an issue where some notes may still be bent when Poly Bend is turned off.

This upgrade is free for existing users. Users can log in to the MyAmplesound page to download.


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I must try to master programming Riffer again. It seems to hold the potential to create as good a part as you could get from a virtual instrument but really needs one to think like a guitarist or bass player with not just the note and articulation to consider but also string selection. 

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I need to delve into Riffer again at some point, but actually bought Guitar Pro to facilitate this specifically for Ample Sound products. You can fairly easily set up GP to send its output to AS (doesn't "always" hit strings properly) for composition, but the resulting gpx files can be imported into AS (which does follow strings). AS has been very good with keeping up to date with the latest GP version, which is also why Riffer fell to the wayside for me.

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