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Recording or on-air light


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I'd like to see the capability within Cakewalk/Sonar to have the record and/or record arm buttons toggle a relay for external lighting or other uses.   This could be expanded upon not unlike a button-to-midi mapping or key assignment system using external hardware (usb relays?).  

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Cakewalk tells Control Surfaces when tracks are armed, or the transport is recording.

So, all you need to do is write a simple Control Surface DLL that listens out for that, and sends out the appropriate MIDI message to another device which relay.  An Arduino should do it - and you can even set these up to look like a class compliant MIDI interface, but you can use the in-built serial ports, or a MIDI "hat" as well.

If you don't want to write your own Control Surface DLL, @azslow3's AZController will do the job - I used it when testing some Arduino based hardware controllers I was building.

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Wouldn’t it be easy to buy a small midi controlled lighting hoard to which one could connect a record light. Then a simple midi command would toggle the light. Then assign it to the r key additionally?


Ive heard of Arduino but I don’t know what it does

Edited by Keni
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AZController can also send OSC on record/play/mute/etc. toggles. Can be used to auto-change something in OSC capable mixers (Behringer, RME) or do something else wireless way (f.e. NodeMCU+LED matrix).

In that direction but without DIY hardware, the approach can be REST commands from custom Control Surface to REST capable smart devices (bulb, power-plug, relay) (f.e. https://www.shelly.cloud/). AZController does not support that at the moment, but if someone really need it, I can add...

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