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Projects opening with *asterisk as if edits were made?

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I used to know why this sometimes happens, where a project opens and right off the bat there's an asterisk after the project name as if a change had been made when there hasn't been. You save it, close and reopen it and still the asterisk is there. I've got one project doing that now.. it seems no big deal but can someone please remind me why this happens? Maybe I'm not searching right but I didn't find that post I once saw about this ?


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I remember having same problem but it's happened with a project which has only MIDI tracks and it's already fixed on 2019.05 build 31.  So I think that problem you are having is caused by other thing. But maybe there is some hints on this thread at that time.


Edited by HIBI
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The Asterisk appears when a project becomes dirty.

Dirty Project- Changes are made that have not been saved.

I find a few things can cause a project to do this. The main one being a plug in that has some sort of modulation (Delay, Chorus). A midi synth with some form of auto arpeggiator, Something within the plug in that cycles.

The other is automation. For some reason I have found automation (during simple playback of a file) can at times turn the project dirty.

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Yeah this is a brand new project with Absynth as the only plugin, so I did a test version of that project and removed Absynth and the asterisk was then gone. When I put Absynth back the asterisk comes back. After reading that link from HIBI though it's probably no big deal and the asterisk ain't going away anyway. 

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This isn't something Noel can fix. If anybody could do anything, it would have to be NI.

The issue is that synths often report inconsequential "changes", which could be something as trivial as playing back a patch that has parameters modulated by a random envelope generator. Cakewalk has no way of knowing whether change flags are important or not, so it honors all of them without bias. 

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