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Uh-Oh? Moog now owned by inMusic!


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I don’t know if this is good or bad but it caught my attention.

So I thought to post it here to see what thoughts people might have here...


...a little scary watching all our favorite developers eaten up by conglomerates.

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Moog is a far cry from the quirky inventive company conceptualized by Bob Moog. Pretty much all of their modern synths have that price because of branding and because of the price of US labor being passed to the consumer, since Moog assembles their products in the US from Asian sourced components done to their specs.

Edited by Bruno de Souza Lino
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40 minutes ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Moog is a far cry from the quirky inventive company conceptualized by Bob Moog. Pretty much all of their modern synths have that price because of branding and because of the price of US labor being passed to the consumer, since Moog assembles their products in the US from Asian sourced components done to their specs.

Yes... they are not the same company as when Bob was alive. Would you really expect otherwise? ?

...and pricing? Well, the still make (arguably) one of the best product lines in the synth market (to me) and I still dream of owning a Model 15 and a Memorymoog before I die!


oh, I’ve owned a Minimoog but sadly no longer.

Edited by Keni
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I just saw the Email. 

When the founder passes (or even just moves on), a company is often never quite the same.

The original passion and vision just aren't there.


I hope this doesn't end up like Creative/Emu.


I had an original MiniMoog Model D (bought it from a HS band-mate for $50).

It was badly in need of service... and I let it sit and collect dust (for years).

Finally sold it to a friend.

Always loved that raw "electric" sound.

It's almost like you can hear the electricity running thru it.


Forward to a couple years ago.

I saved and liquidated a lot of gear to grab a MoogOne.

I was hoping it would be my one-and-done "be all" analog synth.

On paper, it should have been exactly that.

In reality, it had serious intonation issues... that go far beyond analog drift.

The reissue Model D (MiniMoog) and Matriarch don't suffer from this issue... neither do the OB-X8 or Prophet 10 (or any other modern analog).

Gave up on the idea of having a polyphonic Moog.

Decided to get rid of several things and just grab the reissue Model D.

It's uber simple... but it has THAT sound. 

I can leave the Model D on for days... and intonation is tighter than the One.


Sad... but not surprising.

Akai is still releasing new (somewhat innovative) products under InMusic... but I don't think it's the same as when Roger Linn was involved.



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1 hour ago, Jim Roseberry said:

I just saw the Email. 

When the founder passes (or even just moves on), a company is often never quite the same.

The original passion and vision just aren't there.


I hope this doesn't end up like Creative/Emu.


I had an original MiniMoog Model D (bought it from a HS band-mate for $50).

It was badly in need of service... and I let it sit and collect dust (for years).

Finally sold it to a friend.

Always loved that raw "electric" sound.

It's almost like you can hear the electricity running thru it.


Forward to a couple years ago.

I saved and liquidated a lot of gear to grab a MoogOne.

I was hoping it would be my one-and-done "be all" analog synth.

On paper, it should have been exactly that.

In reality, it had serious intonation issues... that go far beyond analog drift.

The reissue Model D (MiniMoog) and Matriarch don't suffer from this issue... neither do the OB-X8 or Prophet 10 (or any other modern analog).

Gave up on the idea of having a polyphonic Moog.

Decided to get rid of several things and just grab the reissue Model D.

It's uber simple... but it has THAT sound. 

I can leave the Model D on for days... and intonation is tighter than the One.


Sad... but not surprising.

Akai is still releasing new (somewhat innovative) products under InMusic... but I don't think it's the same as when Roger Linn was involved.



Yeah... I hear ya'!

Old world synths especially the early polyphonics often had drift problems. I still own a piece of that. A few remaining modules of Oberheim SEM modules & kybd. Talk about drift. Using an 8 voice version back in the 80’s involved turning it on a night or day early of intended use to allow the drift to settle...


I didn’t get to work with a moogone but I did a memorymoog and had no trouble. They still have the thickest sound of any analog synth I’ve worked with. I miss my minimoog big time.


These days mostly replaced by arturia's minimoog and cherry audio's memorymode... (also cherry's arp2600 and OB8vouce but that’s another matter)

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18 minutes ago, Gswitz said:


Now that’s quite a pic! What am I actually looking at?

It looks like hardware. An Arp2600 and a number of maybe eurorack modules? But the arp looks on-screen but there appear to be wires running from hardware in the foreground straight into the "screen" as if it’s hardware?

No matter, looks cool!

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35 minutes ago, Keni said:

Now that’s quite a pic! What am I actually looking at?

It looks like hardware. An Arp2600 and a number of maybe eurorack modules? But the arp looks on-screen but there appear to be wires running from hardware in the foreground straight into the "screen" as if it’s hardware?

No matter, looks cool!

 Funny how pics of real hardware aren't recognized anymore! ? 

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32 minutes ago, craigb said:

 Funny how pics of real hardware aren't recognized anymore! ? 

The arp doesn’t appear to be deep enough to be a piece of hardware? Looking at left of screen it appears less than an inch deep.

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1 hour ago, Gswitz said:

It is not deep but it is hardware. 

Really fun stuff!

There are like 10 distinct units in the picture. I can get all the names if you like. 

They screw in with tiny screws. 


Wow! Very cool! Who makes the arp? I would love to know more...


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13 hours ago, Gswitz said:





This is the blue thing. 

There are a bunch of other little things.  I'm going over tomorrow, I think. I'll try to get names. 



Now I'm understanding. I've seen the Berringer 2600 but didn't know it was rack mountable size. and I see that the depth was hidden in the view... Looks like a very fun playground. I'm sure you have lots of fun with it. I miss my 2600 a lot. These days I mostly use Cherry Audio's 2600 vsti as it's the closest I can get... It's a great piece of sodtware, but I miss the hands on feel of playing with it. I spent countless dreamy hours creating....

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