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Tracktion Collective $10 for the next two weeks


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I see that sample packs are $50. So I wondered if Collective users can import their own samples to create presets.  I took a quick look at the manual.  So far as I can tell, it looks like Collective uses a proprietary sample format and there is no "Import Sample" button to convert other samples.  I did see a way to move user samples to the right place, but to me it is not clear is users can user other sample formats.

If this has a lower CPU usage than other sample-handling software synth, I might be interested.  So, if anyone knows or finds out additional information, please share.  Thanks.

ADDENDUM: While searching the manual for "import" I saw that the arp section allows allows for importing midi patterns.  That might be of interest to some who don't have that in any other arp or soft synth software.


Pattern:  Allows you to import your own pattern sequences as a MIDI file (.mid).   [See 4.7.6 Arp Section]



Edited by User 905133
to add an addendum re importing mid files into the arp section.
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