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Is Ozone Advanced NI Komplete crossgrade upgrade @ $124 worth it?


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I got Ozone Standard from the Komplete 14 upgrade.  I'm curious if it's worth upgrading the Ozone to advanced or should I save my money OR is should I wait for a better deal?

This song was done without Ozone:

and this is remastered with Ozone (I did add bass and organ, but Ozone seemed to glue everything together anyways):



I can't seem to understand the differences on standard vs advanced. Can you explain in your own words the difference or what your opinion on if I should grab that deal or not?

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Since they took away Insight from the Advanced bundle, the main advantage now over the standard edition is getting each of Ozone's modules as individual plugins.

I very rarely use Ozone's individual plugins. I think you could find better things to spend that $124 on.

Of course, that's just my opinion. You can compare the Standard and Advanced editions here.


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Ozone 9 Advanced completely changed everything for me from mixing to mastering. I'm able to get to a finished master now significantly quicker, with subpar headphones.

2 years ago now, which BTW was the last time I turned on my DAW, I transferred some old 4 track masters my brother and I recorded in the 80s. I did a massive amount of editing including extensive vocal repair (using Melodyne) and added new instruments.

I did it all with headphones using O9A. I didn't even have my monitors hooked up. It only took 2 or 3 trips to the car and listening to YouTube uploads to get the best masters that I've ever done. Those are my main listening environments so that's what I was shooting for.

I really like O9A but I'm also 100% certain the same results could be achieved just as easily by someone with other plugs and a better setup than I have. I'm just a home DIY/hobbyist when it comes to all this. The visual plugs that help you master helped me significantly.

The big downside I ran in to is, you need a powerful system. Even if you don't embed it in to all your tracks and just use the stand alone plugs it can bog you down real quick.

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