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BR: Theme Editor Copy & Paste Works Intermittently


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The issue only affects some images in certain themes, usually the one I'm working on ATM.

Once you click on an image and select Copy, the Paste function should become available. This fails to happen with some of the repainted images in my themes.

Steps to repeat:

1. Open a custom theme in Theme Editor
2. Click on an image & select Copy
3. Paste function should light up


Edited by sjoens
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On 5/19/2023 at 10:48 PM, sjoens said:

I may have reported this before, but it keeps occurring.

So often I try to copy an image from one theme to another but PASTE is grayed out. This happens even when both images are EXACTLY the same in every way.

Smart-aleck question: if they are EXACTLY the same in every way, why are you trying to copy and paste? If you are trying to paste over an element, doesn't that suggest that they are NOT exactly the same?

I have many, many hours of using Cakewalk Theme Editor (you know this) and the only time a paste has ever failed me is when it turned out I either had the the wrong thing in the clipboard or was trying to paste into the wrong element. It may have happened when I tried to paste BMP into PNG, although I'm less sure about that. I would be filing bug reports if I ever found anything wrong with it and I've never filed a report on Theme Editor's itself's behavior. Multiple ones on how Cakewalk renders certain theme elements, but never the editor.

I know from reading your topics in the Themes forum that you like to push the edge (so to speak) with shrinking and enlarging screen elements, transparency, etc. Also, after the hours of repetitive work that theming entails, you're absolutely sure you didn't forget to hold ctrl when you hit c or you didn't have the wrong icon highlighted when you copied?

In any case, as with reporting any other bug, the developers need to see a 100% (or close) repeatable case before they can do anything about it. If this situation is one that fixes itself when you go back and copy the same exactly alike image again and then try to paste it again, then they won't be able to do anything, but if you can demonstrate that copying from element X in theme editor instance A always results in not being able to paste it into instance B's version of element X, then you'll be able to submit the themes you're editing in instance A and instance B and they should be able to nail it.

I'd guess what it involves is the target app knowing what datatypes it's able to accept in a given circumstance, and maybe that can get scrambled somehow.

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On 5/24/2023 at 3:51 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Smart-aleck question: if they are EXACTLY the same in every way, why are you trying to copy and paste?

Not so smart alec answer: To test why it's not working. If 2 images are identical then copy&paste should work. But, for me it only works 50% if the time. So it appears to be a bug. And bugs bug me. When they bug me, I reports them. You can be sure I test them well, before reporting.

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1 hour ago, sjoens said:

If my reporting bugs you, submit a bug report. ?

In the classic form, as recommended by the Cakewalk QA staff:

User reports issue with no step by step repro instructions

  1. Read "BR: Theme Editor Copy & Paste Broken" topic on Feedback forum
  2. Request step by step procedure to reproduce the issue
  3. Observe that user says issue occurs "50% of the time"
  4. Observe that user does not supply step by step procedure to duplicate error

Actual behavior: user's report of issue is too vague to allow others to attempt to reproduce it

Expected behavior: user will list what steps others must take in order to observe the issue

(Seriously, I promise to try it if you tell me exactly what steps to take. Be as specific as possible, because it helps minimize the personal differences in how we use the software like launching TE from the Preferences dialog rather than Start Menu, etc.).

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Share on other sites I think it's the latest.  You can actually see it in the lower righthand corner of the screenshot. Click image to zoom.

Some of the tools don't appear until you click on an item.

Thanks for asking. Just noticed the screenshot shows the 2nd T.E.'s  Paste function on the Tool Ribbon is also grayed out like the right-click menu.

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Today copy & pasting the above image decided to work, confirming it's intermittent.

Then I copied an image of 240x19 and it failed to allow pasting.

Then I copied an image of 240x18 and I was able to paste it over the 240x19 image -- something not supposed to happen.

Definitely something weird going on.

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