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How to delete ALL Region FX at once?


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I mistakenly applied a declip fx to a ton of audio tracks. Selecting them all and holding down Ctrl does not apply the region fx delete to all tracks the way it would apply any other single track change to all other selected tracks. 

Is there any way to do this or must the region fx all be removed one at a time? 


Edited by sean72
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if you have created the region fx but not rendered them, can't you just select the clips and use "remove region fx"? just a quick test with a bunch of different clips across different tracks i could create the region fx and also remove them. if you rendered them, then the clips will have the region fx (in your case, declip) applied. 


Edited by Glenn Stanton
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  • 3 months later...

Late to this but searched for a similar problem.

 I opened a project from 2012 that had many Region FX with V-Vocal. I no longer have V-Vocal. So the Region FX clips were not playing when playing the tune. I don't know why this works, but:

  1. Bypass audio FX (the FX button)
  2. Select entire track
  3. Bounce track into one clip on the same track
  4. Ctl+Z to undo the bounce
  5. Unbypass all audio FX

...and then the Region FXs were all gone.

Of course, the vocal tuning was gone, too, but not an issue this time for me.

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