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Hawkwind cover - Night of the Hawks


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Some of you may know or have guessed that I'm a bit of a Hawkwind fan - I've had the pleasure to gig and record with a few of their ex-members over the years, and when Xoo used to play live (before the 3 Cs brought a halt to it - Careers, Children and Covid), we almost always encored with a Hawkwind cover.  Night of the Hawks was one of the ones we did, and we'd always planned to record a studio version of it, but we never got round to it.  I've recently ended up doing some collaborations on original tracks with a couple of other Hawkwind fans, and we eventually decided to record our own interpretation of Night of the Hawks.  This is the result...


Richard Marris - Vocals
David Dilliway - Lead Guitar
Kevin Perry - Rhythm, Lead and Bass Guitar, Synths, Vocals

EDIT: Had to update link as minor mixing change made.

Edited by kperry
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I always loved Hawkwind, must have seen them about 30 times!!

Now the only thing wrong with your cover, and I am sorry to say this is a major problem, where is the video with Stacia - of course in her normal attire?

now apart from that I thought this was an excellent cover and I really enjoyed the listen

Cool stuff




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Excellent cover many thanks for rolling the years back ❤️ We used to do 'In Search of space' in the church hall back in Crystal Palace ... until we got banned  (I was a kid of 17 ... (72 now) ....so thanks again, brought a tear LOL?



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Really nice work overall. Just my 2 cents based on my 2 ears....I do find this mix too bass heavy, I'd EQ up the snare drum/cymbals.

Hawkwind is one band I totally missed hearing back in the day. But you guys do a great job with this song. Great feeling and energy????

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Thanks Larry - interestingly, another comment I got from a musician friend was that the cymbals were too loud, so I take it I've got it about right ?  I can't please everyone!

Glad you liked it!

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Never heard of this song, or of Hawkwind, so that's my disclaimer. But I liked this song, super interesting arrangement!

I obviously can't comment on the faithfulness of your cover, if that even matters. Great chops, and I liked the guitars playing off the synths. Or vice versa :)

Mixwise, I heard a few things you might look at. 1) the intro's increase in volume at the beginning of the song takes too long, I had to reset my volume three times to get the right listening level.   2) two thirds in, it's guitar solo time, quite nice but the lead guitar while soloing is actually lower in volume than the rhythm guitar that's supposed to be supporting it. and 3) if you ask yourself "can I always hear the vocals? can I always make out the lyrics?" I think the answer would be "no", in spots, the instrumentation is a bit loud,  some other element like snare is masking the vocal intelligibility, or the reverby wash is a bit uncontrolled, maybe more predelay might help?

Some of my ratty little observations might be inherent in the original production of the song! So kudos if you have been faithfully authentic, warts and all! I do wish the vocals were consistently more prominent in the mix, as that's a fine vocal performance and a very listenable voice! And the guitareth doth shred!

cool tune!





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Thanks @PhonoBrainer

Hawkwind tend to reimagine their songs over time, so it's different from the original (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPctyMg-asA&pp=ygUbbmlnaHQgb2YgdGhlIGhhd2tzIGhhd2t3aW5k) but not redone in a completely unexpected way.

My monitoring isn't great (practical reasons - like volume) so I can believe it's a tad unbalanced in places, but it does sound clear for me...but I do know the song rather well!


Since there were 2 singers and 2 guitarists, it'd be nice to know which (Vocals - verse/chorus; Guitar - which solo) you're referring to ?


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