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Piano Roll View= PVR or PRV

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I realized while making a new tutorial for the Piano Roll view that I for some weird reason have always called it the PVR? Nobody has ever corrected me.  

I then did a little searching and I see lots of posts where other long time users also call it the PVR. Is there a historical reason because it seems this would be incorrect? 

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4 hours ago, John Vere said:

I for some weird reason have always called it the PVR? Nobody has ever corrected me. 

I did but stopped after a couple tries; figured you had your reasons for the transposition.


4 hours ago, John Vere said:

I then did a little searching and I see lots of posts where other long time users also call it the PVR. Is there a historical reason because it seems this would be incorrect? 

There are a few that do but AFAIK it is a very small club.

I suspect there may be some historical reason but have no idea where it came from.

It has been Piano Roll View for me since starting with PA9 (although these days my recall of PA9 through SONAR 8.5 is poor).

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10 minutes ago, scook said:

I did but stopped after a couple tries; figured you had your reasons for the transposition.


PVR used to be Personal Video Recorder, if I'm not mistaken. Good to avoid that potential mixup... ;)

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23 minutes ago, scook said:

I did but stopped after a couple tries; figured you had your reasons for the transposition.

I guess I should have paid closer attention!  It's a family habit of saying things backwards. Now I'm trying to record the narration and I keep saying PVR. I just re typed the document and I'm going to say "Piano Roll" for short.   

It might stem from me being a long time Railroader. I worked for the CPR,  Our town has Historical locations for the Kettle Valley Railroad = KVR.  So PVR just sounds better.  It is the largest railway network in the world apparently. 


Edited by John Vere
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2 hours ago, John Vere said:

I realized while making a new tutorial for the Piano Roll view that I for some weird reason have always called it the PVR? Nobody has ever corrected me.  

Looks like a typo to me ?

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