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Becareful when buying Sonible Smart Reverb... Crashes a lot!


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I've bought Sonible Smart Reverb on a impulse buy (stupid me), and it crashes.

Crash #1 - Press A, Press B, Press A, Press COPY, if it didn't crash, Press B, Press COPY, cause usually it crashes on COPY.

Crash #2 - Setup profile for Speech.  Learn. Play your track. After it learns, make adjustments to decay, spread, the wire mesh, move the square to the top left corner, and Press learn again.  Crash!

The crashes are repeatable.  I wonder if they thought someone would use this for something other than music??

I own 4 other plugins from them and they are very stable, but this one needs to be fixed!

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Did you notify Sonible yet? They appear to be attentive to software issues using their plugins with DAWs. Like you I have about six of their products, never having an issue with crashes, but admittedly I'm just getting familar with their products and slowly replacing other plugins with the better Sonible products.

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5 hours ago, NOLAGuy said:

Did you notify Sonible yet? They appear to be attentive to software issues using their plugins with DAWs. Like you I have about six of their products, never having an issue with crashes, but admittedly I'm just getting familar with their products and slowly replacing other plugins with the better Sonible products.

We'll see if they respond tomorrow?  The email from the automated system said they work Monday thru Friday.

Other forums, other people said they have no answers nor any advice on how to fix the issues other than reinstalling the software??  I just installed it, it's not like it's been several days after install.  These crashes happened within minutes after installing it... Any good software doesn't have crashes like these. They happened again and again.  So, I searched online for others with the issues.  I found several that have the same issue with both Cakewalk and Reaper.  Sonible couldn't help them and others said they had no issue, but was using a different DAW.

One of them supplied a file dump from Cakewalk's crash to Sonible in order to get help on it.  They said they waited a month with no reply or answer.

It's what I've read on other forums.

So, if they don't answer my email, I'll email again.  If they still don't answer, I'll reconsider changing my loyalty to elsewhere and I'll inform others, but until then... there's hope!


FL Studio crashes -

Reaper and Cakewalk (reinstall of all Sonible plugins fixed?) - https://vi-control.net/community/threads/sonible-smart-fx-crash-to-desktop.137312/

Anytime I reinstall something, that never fixes an issue for me .. It's usually a waste of time. Plus, why reinstall something and everything else works fine?


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3 minutes ago, craigb said:

Are you on Windows or Apple?

"Cakewalk by BandLab will continue to operate solely on the Windows operating system."


Windows of course.


Edit: I own both Cakewalk and Reaper for windows.  I've have been a loyal Cakewalk user since 2003.  I still have Sonar Producer 8.5.3 which I feel is the best product they ever came out with!

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Doh! ?  The question I meant to ask is... Windows 10 or 11?

I've noticed some real weirdness in the latest update of Windows 10 including some things failing when trying to use the Clipboard.  Might be related and something that didn't occur when they released their latest version.

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6 minutes ago, craigb said:

Doh! ?  The question I meant to ask is... Windows 10 or 11?

I've noticed some real weirdness in the latest update of Windows 10 including some things failing when trying to use the Clipboard.  Might be related and something that didn't occur when they released their latest version.

Yeah, it could be the latest update of windows 10.  I have a backup of versions before it.  I could just restore it before windows forced me to update.  The latest update worries me as when I ran Goldwave today, it didn't refresh windows desktop as quickly as it usually does.

With this knowledge, the next time I run windows, I'll create another backup just in case.

I am due to create a fresh windows install again.  Windows always runs best on a fresh install.  I've collected so many programs over the years, and more than half of them I don't use anymore.

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11 hours ago, El Diablo said:

Anytime I reinstall something ... usually a waste of time

but not always. recently ran an uninstall/reinstall on a "mature" vst(2) to resolve a massive issue. a first ever for this, in use for years on various daws, only tried per the suggestion of a forum member. and it worked.

11 hours ago, craigb said:

I've noticed some real weirdness in the latest update of Windows 10

this^^, and not just lately. running win10 pro with manual updates only. well versed in all the optimization moves, generally offline, minimal services running, etc. but noting recurring issues immediately after -some- updates on some projects that were running just fine, typically manifested during playback where the cpu monitor will get real jumpy and the audio will slow down like a thumb on a tape reel. thinking it might be related to some combination of update/vst/ram? issues, but with the exception of one case, generally seems to resolve itself after exercising the project for a bit.

idk, the win platform is one of infinite configurations, best bet is best practices.

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