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Somewhere in Your Heart


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Hey awesome Cakewalk peeps!

Here is my latest song, "Somewhere in Your Heart".

I threw the kitchen sink at it, yet, I think it could use some more stuff.

Maybe drums?

Any suggestions/critiques are welcome.

Best to you!

RexRed ?❤️

Edited by RexRed
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This is really outstanding, my friend! I’m really impressed by your songwriting sensibilities, as well as your performance, and production. All really top notch (really liked your vocs especially)! As far as additions, I think you want to be careful not to over produce it. It’s really good as it is, the production kind of fits the heart and message of the song. Anything you do add, keep it subtle. Soft laid-back drums would be good, possibly a more pronounced piano/electric piano track, background strings, and maybe mandolin tremolo in the chorus?? Just some thoughts. Anyway, again great work!

Edited by Ross Smithe
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Hi Rex. As I've said before your voice is great. You should do your best to get on The Voice or American Idol, a show like those.

This song is really good but you lift it higher with your voice than most other vocalists could do imo. As said already it doesn't need much more, maybe a little tambourine for some character/depth. Great work????

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Thanks for the nice compliments, it makes me feel better about my efforts here.

I am quite divided over this song, I want to produce it even more but I am wondering if it may already be over produced or simply badly produced.

I think it needs to be produced better than I have done.

I begin to doubt myself and my abilities.

I believe it is a nice song lyrics and melody wise, and perhaps, I have done well at the vocal parts as well. But I just wonder if I have done it justice in the instrumentation part.

I had to copy and past together pedal steel parts. I would much rather have had a pedal steel player play stuff directly for it rather than rehashing premade pedal steel segments and fitting them in.

And, from there it all seems to get thrown off. I guess nothing is perfect... Maybe some things, but I know with the right musicians I could have done better. But that luxury is simply out of my reach so I guess this is the best I can do with what I have.

I am lucky to have what I've got is perhaps the best attitude. ?

All the best!

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Rex, you really don't need to doubt your abilities. You always put out some great songs and this one might be my favorite of yours.  Seems to me it doesn't really need any tweaks except maybe on the low end? Wasn't sure I heard anything in the bass range, not that there needs to be anything there.

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