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Studio Desk


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I'm still putting together my new room. What are you guys using for studio desks? The Platform Output https://output.com/products/platform looks perfect but it's been out of stock for quite a while. There's a Rab desk at Sweetwater that would work but it's back ordered. Some of the others at my price point get bad reviews. Speakers will be on stands. Any ideas in the $500 - $600 range would be appreciated.

I'm also ready to pull the trigger on an Audient Nero https://audient.com/products/monitor-controllers/nero/overview/ anyone using one here? Thanks.

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could you build one (platform) yourself? that could get you what you need at a good price without a huge effort (maybe a day or two factoring in the finish drying time...) they give the dimensions on a drawing:



long (long) ago i built a desk for my equipment out of 3 sheets of 3/8" plywood. including the 2 isolated rack units underneath. the rack rails were the most expensive part ? 




Edited by Glenn Stanton
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  On 4/4/2023 at 4:08 PM, CoveCamper said:

Been looking at desks for a long time.

Came across these a while back, right in your price range.

There are two types:





Thanks, too big for my space though. I came across this https://www.google.com/search?q=studio+desk+build&oq=studio+desk+build&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l3j0i390i650l3.8413j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dd8987d2,vid:Te6JA3zpwoU, it's built out of pipe and fittings. I did a search for desks built out of pipe and came across all kinds of interesting ideas. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also interested in buidling myself a new studio desk.  I watched this video about two years ago and build my own Studio Rack.  I did become fascinated with having a router and created some fancy edges on the rack which makes it look wonderful.   Now I am going for a matching desk.

Rack now shown in my studio.  




Edited by jesse g
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  On 4/4/2023 at 6:17 PM, bluzdog said:

Thanks, too big for my space though. I came across this https://www.google.com/search?q=studio+desk+build&oq=studio+desk+build&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l3j0i390i650l3.8413j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dd8987d2,vid:Te6JA3zpwoU, it's built out of pipe and fittings. I did a search for desks built out of pipe and came across all kinds of interesting ideas. 


There are a lot of nice options out there if you have the tools to do yourself. Depending if you have the ability to join pieces, there are a few good lumberyards that sell wood to various degrees of finishing. Weight-wise, hardwood be stronger and lighter than pre-fab stuff (which tend to be veneered particle board), but a lot of things can be bought pre-made as well (like the top in his video). I saw the "butcher block" in the marker list and laughed when I clicked on it... I have an antique butcher block in my kitchen that is 14" thick (and weighs roughly 800 lbs)... I consider what he has a table top :)

  On 4/27/2023 at 3:37 PM, jesse g said:

I did become fascinated with having a router and created some fancy edges on the rack which makes it look wonderful.


That looks really good! Another plug for solid wood for construction there. I ended up getting a cheap table router several months ago and kicking myself that I hadn't earlier (like 20 years ago). Precision with it is impressive, far more convenient than a hand router, and the router design alone amazed me... the motor just falls out of the casing so you can swap bits without touching the table/router casing mount. I paid more for a plunge router years ago that I suddenly no longer even like.

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  On 4/27/2023 at 3:37 PM, jesse g said:

I am also interested in buidling myself a new studio desk.  I watched this video about two years ago and build my own Studio Rack.  I did become fascinated with having a router and created some fancy edges on the rack which makes it look wonderful.   Now I am going for a matching desk.

Rack now shown in my studio.  



That came out awesome!

Edited by bluzdog
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"I see, that sounds exciting! I'm currently using the Dominator studio desk from Studiodesk, which I purchased a while ago. In terms of recommendations within your price range, have you considered checking out the Zaor Miza Jr. or the Omnirax Force 12? Both of these options are sturdy and well-reviewed, and should fit your budget. Good luck with your search!" Make sure you checkout their ratings and offcourse return policy before purchasing.




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  On 5/1/2023 at 5:22 AM, Boaz666 said:

"I see, that sounds exciting! I'm currently using the Dominator studio desk from Studiodesk, which I purchased a while ago. In terms of recommendations within your price range, have you considered checking out the Zaor Miza Jr. or the Omnirax Force 12? Both of these options are sturdy and well-reviewed, and should fit your budget. Good luck with your search!" Make sure you checkout their ratings and offcourse return policy before purchasing.





I think your Dominator desk will be dominating my pockets.    LOL

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I've built Mike's desk (Creative Sauce) Ultimate DIY Home Studio Desk

I'm extremely happy with it. Cost me much less than a prefab and I could tailor it to my own preferences. It has everything I could possibly need.
In the comments section of the YouTube video you can also find various useful tips.

Mike has made an extensive search on all kinds of desk before he decided on his final design, which he made in 3ds Max . You can download the full plan (which is extremely accurate!) from his channel: Fdiy-home-studio-desk

Strongly recommend it. I had never built anything like this before, bought some electric tools and just started the adventure with my son. Even adapted it a bit to my personal needs. It appeared much easier than you would think.  Super experience and DIY is much easier than it seems... (and more rewarding?)


Edited by Teegarden
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