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rolled over

Jesse Screed

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First, thanks to anyone who bears to listen. I don't get back here much anymore.


Track One    mim fender p bass direct in through NI Transient Master-> FF Pro Q3->NI  Guitar Rig 6 (drive Invader)

Track Two   Jamstix 4 tweaked  (Bonzo Pak Dry)  midi out

Track Three    Komplete Kontrol  (Drum Lab Char Kit)-> NI Transient Master

Track Four  Komplete Kontrol  ( The Grandeur Pop Clean) -> TR5 VC 670

Track Five  MIA Strat DI -> NI Transient Master _> Ni Freak-> NI Vari Comp

Track 6  IK Sampletron-> TR5 Bus Comp  (midi track transposed one octave up)

Track 7 Vocals  -> AT875R->NI Transient Master-> FF PQ3-> MSpectral Dynamics-> Waves Vocal Rider   to buss  NI Reacktor with NI the Mouth-> NI The Freak


Master Bus-> NI Transient Master-> Izotope Insight

Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 gen 3  Cakewalk by bandlab


Sure, it's not typical CbB song forum fodder, but it is me,

any thoughts are welcome, but if not no matter


Oh, it's a song about the arrival of Spring, but could be about the winter too




Edited by Jesse Screed
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13 hours ago, Old Joad said:

Roll over Beethoven, Jesse Screed is telling Tchaikovsky the news?

OJ, I sure do love the links for videos you post in the CH.  Thanks!


4 hours ago, FreeEarCandy said:

I don't think I can recall every imagining what Frank Zappa would sound like if he went down a rabbit hole and stole all the tarts. But I am now! O.o

Its hard to find the direction at first, but I started to play along. Interesting composition out of left field.

I had to look up rabbit hole and tarts.  I've never read that book, but I am going to now.  Thanks for the listen, and the tip.

"I gave her one, they gave him two,
You gave us three or more;
They all returned from him to you,
Though they were mine before. If I or she should chance to be
Involved in this affair,
He trusts to you to set them free,
Exactly as we were."

1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

Radio friendly, or radio fiendly?

Spring has sprung!

Roll, roll, roll...


merrily, merrily, merrily

Hey t,  you know, how do you describe something that can't be described.

fuzzy science

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