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Switching to Piano Roll

Maria P

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I'm new to bandlab but not to cakewalk, kept working with Sonar 8.5 for a long time.
I'm trying to get used to the new shortcuts to move between track view and piano roll.
If I double click the midi clip I get to docked Piano roll and need to press shift+D as well to get to full screen view
When full screen is the previous setting I choose a midi clip again while in track view and press simply D and here is what happens:

I see previous midi tracks as well as the one I've selected. And then I need to go to tracks tab and choose "Clear Track Selection" so I can focus to that particular track. Is there a setting I'm missing here and I see the other unwanted midi data? I just want to see the selected midi track data

Needless to say that by double clicking a midi clip in Sonar i would get a full screen Piano Roll of the selected track without any further moves to achieve that and also no matter where the now time was it would get straight to that clip's time

Thank you in advance

Edited by Maria P
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Thank you but that doesn't help.
What I want is to immediately focus on the selected track when i switch from track view to piano roll. Can this be done by selecting a clip and pressing D or do I always have to follow:
Double click the clip and then shift+D for full screen?
2 goals here: getting to full screen and to the data of the specific track quickly

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