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How to Reset the PRV for Easiest Use?

Stephen Power


I've got myself into a bit of a mess when using the piano roll view. The first issue was that (for some reason) I could only see the notes o the active track, and now I've managed to get this jumbo keyboard as the display! (see photo).

Could someone kindly advise me on  how to reset the PRV to the 'standard view'.

UPDATE: I had some extra questions here, about viewing multiple tracks in the PRV, but managed to RTFM on those topics. But I'm still stuck on losing that mega keyboard view.

Thanks for any advice.



Edited by Kerryman
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Best you watch my first few tutorials which explain how to navigate and set up Cakewalks Skylight interface so you can understand all the options, of which there are many. It's not that hard once you understand the basics of how the interface is laid out and what you do to change this and keep it that way. Start with Video #2 if you already have Audio and MIdi working properly  but they are also important. 



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2 minutes ago, John Vere said:

Best you watch my first few tutorials which explain how to navigate and set up Cakewalks Skylight interface so you can understand all the options, of which there are many. It's not that hard once you understand the basics of how the interface is laid out and what you do to change this and keep it that way. Start with Video #2 if you already have Audio and MIdi working properly  but they are also important. 



I've watched a few of your videos, John, already. I've watched several by 'Creative Sauce', the 'Audio Sorcerer', and others. I've bought Bill Edstrom's book. Please do not assume that I have not done any of my own research before asking a question.

I am already finding your comments on my posts patronizing and based on the assumption that anyone asking a question is either (a) a non-musician or (b) so lazy that they can't be bothered finding stuff out for themselves. In my case, neither is true.

If whoever set up this forum didn't want us to ask questions,  with a Q&A sections, it seems odd that they've put a Q&A section in it.

If you are rude to me again, I'll report you to admin and then block you.

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On 3/23/2023 at 9:19 AM, Kerryman said:

Please do not assume that I have not done any of my own research before asking a question.

I am already finding your comments on my posts patronizing and based on the assumption that anyone asking a question is either (a) a non-musician or (b) so lazy that they can't be bothered finding stuff out for themselves. In my case, neither is true.

Welcome to the Cakewalk user community. I read your other topic and it's cool to see someone with such diverse instrumental skills. I've always been intrigued by non-keyboard MIDI controllers like the EWI. Cakewalk has some good features to help with MIDI data from "alternative" controllers.

In defense of John, whom I've found to be a stand-up guy who does a lot of work to help people learn how to use Cakewalk, when someone asks a question, those of us who are trying to help have no idea what their background is or how much research they've already done. One (imperfect) clue we have to go by is the person's post count. If it's low, they're usually a newer user who we assume can use some hand holding. That assumption is not always true.

Everyone who's ever started using Cakewalk has experienced the daunting number of features and ways to get things done, and most of us remember how baffled we felt.

My usual way on this forum is to over explain (as I'm surely doing now?), because it's a shotgun approach that saves time and also because the original poster is not the only one with similar issues who will be reading my replies. The OP is not the only audience. "Forgive me if you've already tried this" is kind of implied, but over explaining can, I suppose, come off as condescending. I've personally had the experience of being at wits end about something, spending hours trying to find an answer, then posting on a forum where I was besieged by weenie wavers eager to display their superior knowledge (or tossing out "RTFM"). This isn't such a forum, I hope.

From my observations at least, that is not John's way. He tries to help people get the same utility and enjoyment from the software that he does. The added personal bonus is that when I jump in and try to help someone sort things out, I often learn from the suggested solutions of others. John has said this is true for him many times, including in your other topic. Case in point: even in your angry reply to John, you mentioned Audio Sorcerer, who I'd never heard of despite the fact that I look for YouTubers who have series on Cakewalk so that I can add them to the list I started in the Tutorials sub. Audio Sorcerer will be added, and I thank you.

I try myself not to take offense where none is intended, but I also know from bitter experience that it's possible to mean no harm and do harm anyway.

The Skylight interface is a really great thing, one of the features of Cakewalk that I like best, but it took me a lonnnnng time to figure out just how I could make the best use of it. It would have been nice to have some guidance earlier on. And I still learn new things about it. So I'll probably go watch John's videos on the subject.

All of this said, some personalities just don't get along and I've found it necessary for my own serenity to block certain users. Block him if you must, but you may miss some valuable info.

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