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Your Love is the Key


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46 minutes ago, RikF said:

Hi RexRed, lovely tune , great vocals, that harpsichord( guitar ?) gets a bit repetitive and anoying imho.




Hey thanks Rik for the advice, I agree, the guitar could be removed in parts and take away from the monotony of it.

Thanks for the tip, it is very helpful!

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Sweet vocals and harmonies as always Rex. Not so sure about the sound FX halfway through - kind of jarred for me  - but I could see what you were trying to do with them.

There's a  bit of vibrato on your voice in places that I haven't really heard or noticed before - really nice and so well-controlled.

Overall another great track - well done.


Edited by AndyB01
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Okay, I have devoted more time to this song, I removed the guitar from a  lot of sections and filled in the spaces with new instruments to break up the monotony.

 I toned down the effects in the instrumental section and aligned them into more predictable places.

Thanks Andy and Rik for the really nice compliments and very helpful suggestions.

These suggestions are especially helpful when I become so myopic and can't see the scope of things.

It is REALLY nice to have a fresh set of eyes and ears to provide feedback.

This is still a work in progress and a lot has changed so there is room for even more suggestions.

I would like to get this song perfect. I tried to make this song with "changes" and not just the 4 chord same old...

It is sort of Pink Floyd meets the Moody Blues. 

I wonder if certain sections are too sparce. I feel it has been taken in the right direction though.

Please let me know your thoughts no matter how detailed or minute. 


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Rex I really like your voice (as always)
That oooo bgv at the beginning and elsewhere worked well.
I think a more consistent theme throughout would work better, but that's purely subjective.
~2:00 and 5:07  Best part of the song but only there for a few measures. Moody Blues-y.
2:25 Kind of a jarring change IMO
~3:00  Creaking door?  Oh, opening it with a key as in the title?
Always enjoy listening to your well-produced and well-performed songs.

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Bjorn, your suggestions were very helpful! As you can hear, I removed the jarring change at 2:25 replaced it with a more predictable interlude.

I removed all of the sound effects except for one and now that gets repeated at the end as well. This song has 7 pads in it!

The pads all appear at different times. 

It is less cluttered and also not as empty sounding in spots.

I may revisit it if you can hear anymore things that could be improved upon.

Thanks for helping me with this song, it was particularly challenging because I over orchestrated it at first. 

I am sure you all can relate to that.

You know the elements you want but they can't all play at the same time so you have to make decisions and then work each section to get them right.

Some songs just fall together and some need days of dickering over details.

I felt like giving up on this one at times. But, I am happy with it now even though I may still make some minor adjustments.

Please let me know if you can detect any other issues peeps. Thanks much!



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4 hours ago, Keith Wilby said:

Very nice job. The only *very* minor thing I'd suggest over and above the other comments is that, in the BVs, either synchronise the sibilance sounds ("t" sounds in this instance), or only have them sound on the lead vocal.

I will look for the instances with "t" sounds and correct them Keith, I tried to manually align the "s" sounds between teh BVs and the Lead vocal but the "t" sounds may have slipped by me.  ?

Thanks for the suggestion!

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5 hours ago, Keith Wilby said:

I was nit-picking really, it sounds great. I find Melodyne great for sibilance correction.

Even the smallest detail is good to fix in a song because once it is done, it is pretty much frozen in time, especially if it ends up out in the stores and/or etched into vinyl. I can't go back and fix it then... ?

Your input is very much appreciated Keith! ?

I use Melodyne almost as much as I use Cakewalk. ❤️

Edited by RexRed
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