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I received an email from Guitar Center about a new Boogie amp. Get this:

"MESA/Boogie skips the Mark VI amplifier to go straight to the Mark VII"


And here is the real kicker:

"Mesa Boogie Mark VII 1x12 90W Tube Guitar Combo



Wow!! Gibson really putting it's "Mark" on that brand!! Unbelievable really.

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Yikes, that is a bit nutty, but on par with recent Gibson involvements. It does make me appreciate that I decided on a tube amp for my first purchase years ago. These days anything comparable is 4x as much. You could almost get a HELIX FLOOR and Kemper Profiler for that cost (but still need a cab).

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My guess on the model numbering is that the Mark VI took a long time in development, to the point where the eventual next generation needed to be distinguished from prototypes of what would have been the Mark VI. Maybe for in-house purposes?

What I mean is that the Mark VI may be an actual nearly-finished design that wound up in the category of "never released."

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Not sure about skipping versions but the price actually doesn't surprise me.

They have always tried to be boutique and given the complexities of the circuit build with that many knobs, switches and faders it puts it in line with pricing of other top boutique places today.  I wouldn't buy a boogie but this doesn't surprise me a bit.  

Now who is going to profile one with Tonex and return it for the team?  ?


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21 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

My guess on the model numbering is that the Mark VI took a long time in development,

Upon further reading this seems to be the case. At least that's what they (Boogie) is claiming.

I love my Boogie amps, all of them. And all the pedals I have from them too. Before Gibson bought them out, they were some of the best imho. Well worth every penny I spent for them.

But almost $4k for a combo amp? Come on! I wouldn't care who designed it and who's name was associated with it, I ain't buying for that kinda money!!  

I am a big Dream Theater fan, love John's sound and his playing. And I almost bought one of those "Signature" Mk V's they put out. But it was priced not out of my reach, but a lot more than what I was willing/wanting to pay for it. This new Boogie is going for almost twice what the JP "Signature" MK V was going for!!! :0 Ouch!!

I wish them well, but this first offering ain't looking too good to me. But maybe I ain't the crowd they want. :)

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I was a Mesa player, back in the 90's. I've owned an SOB, a Dual Caliber, and a Mark IIb+ with all factory mods. Later the Studio Preamp. Been over to the factory a couple of times, met Randy Smith.

Growing up in the 70's, Mesa was the amp to HAVE, the first boutique amp. When I got my first one, I felt kinda "pinch me, I must be dreaming."

I love the "Mark" distortion sound, those 12AX7's sizzling away. Was less enamored with the more snarly "Rectifier" sound, which the Dual Caliber had.

I don't know what kind of deal Randall Smith worked out with Gibson, but we know Gibson's history of handling legendary brands. Look for "Boogie by BandLab" in half a dozen years!

It's encouraging to see on Gibson's site that the support number is still 707, the Petaluma area code, and that the address is still the same, with a photo of the factory.

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I had to check "combo amp" on GC to right myself for the ages. They only have four 100W (two are 1x12s) an one 150W in there, all pricey.  The Mark VII is 90W, so didn't come out in the search. That said, the Carvin XV-212 I got years ago would be $1832 in today's dollars, so maybe I am just getting old enough now to see youngsters get plowed by inflation :(. Tube amps tend to be heavy anyway, so mine is more a house fixture now since I refuse to move it anymore.

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10 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

and a Mark IIb+ with all factory mods.

I have a Mk IIB without the mods. Out of all my amps it has the best clean and distortion sound. But to get the killer distortion, it has to be cranked up. Got to get those 6L6's hot and sizzling. But when it's loud, it's really like magic. Unbelievable sweet sustain.

I also have a Maverick and a Mini Recto, and a Carvin Nomad. All three have EL84's for the power tubes and those all have nice singing distortion too. Not near as much bass as the 6L6's.

I do have to say that my fav is the Mk IV I have. I got it running 2 6L6's and 2 EL 84's. Yep, sweet stuff that Mk IV!! Three channels, lead boost, switchable EQ, sweet spring reverb. Lots of other features that put it in a class of it's own.

8 hours ago, mettelus said:

the Carvin XV-212 I got years ago

Is that the one with the carpet on it?

8 hours ago, mettelus said:

Tube amps tend to be heavy anyway, so mine is more a house fixture now

Yes they are!! All mine sit on amp stands. Haven't lugged one of those around in a few years!!

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On 3/10/2023 at 5:55 AM, Grem said:

Is that the one with the carpet on it?

LOL, yes. I think it was Tom years ago who asked me if it was "fuzzy" and my first thought was the sound. I had to chuckle after I got it, but that was a brilliant idea to keep it from showing wear over the years. I actually got a pop in/out caster set for it years ago... worked great for concrete floors, but 75 lbs is a bit much to cart around with tubes exposed. Luckily it has a 25/50/100% power switch on the back; even on 25% I rarely take it above 2. It is a bit much for a studio scenario, but I promised myself I wasn't going to turn it into a piece of furniture.

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Look at the price of "boutique" amp heads:

  • H&K Triamp mk3
  • Friedman BE-100 Deluxe
  • Bogner 20th Ecstasy

All are $4000+

I bought four boutique amps to Capture/Profile.

Started getting more into keyboards... and realized I had way too much tied up in large/heavy amps (not being used enough).


Cost on everything is getting out of hand.

The new MiniMoog re-issue is $5k.  Absolutely crazy... until you compare with a vintage Model D... which (in good shape) is selling for 10-12k.


When I was 17-18, I used to make of list of all my "dream" studio gear.

I would add up the total cost... and it would be ~$200k.

Remember freaking out thinking... OMG I'll never be able to get those things.

Now that I'm old, I can get some of it... but I have to pick-and-choose.


I did liquidate three of those expensive tube amps... and grabbed the Model D re-issue.

As a kid, I loved the MiniMoog.

For me, the re-issue is a chance to have one (in good working order).

It's a nostalgic thing...


To get back on topic, I'm not overly surprised by the cost of the MESA Mark VII.

Given the relative cost of everything increasing (components, labor, packing, shipping, etc), it's inevitable.

Cost for large boxes that I use to ship DAWs has literally doubled the past 24 months.

A large bag of (worthless) packing-peanuts is now ~$100!   ?



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51 minutes ago, mettelus said:

but I promised myself I wasn't going to turn it into a piece of furniture.

LOL!! Yeah, what seemed like nothing back in the day was just the price for admission to be able to play somewhere!!

I have always made sure I had a vehicle that could carry equipment!! A truck, van, hatchback, station wagon, didn't matter as long as I could put my amp and cab in it it was good to go!!

Flash forward to tady: I have a Honda Accord (180k+mls) and a 2011 Mercury Grand Marque (30kmls!!) Believe it or not, I can fit all my stuff in either one!! Getting it all out? Another story for another day!!


4 minutes ago, Jim Roseberry said:

I did liquidate three of those expensive tube amps

And I have contemplated getting rid of a lot of my stuff I am not really using. But some of this is just good sounding stuff!! It's hard to part with it. 

10 minutes ago, Jim Roseberry said:

It's a nostalgic thing...

Yeah, I suffer from that too!! :)

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1 hour ago, Grem said:

And I have contemplated getting rid of a lot of my stuff I am not really using. But some of this is just good sounding stuff!! It's hard to part with it. 

I completely understand.  ?

I sold my Triamp mk3, Helios, and Revv Generator 120mk3

All sounded great... but G.A.S. got the best of me... and I wanted other things that I'd use more.

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