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MIDI panic button?

Starship Krupa

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Ahh it is this then. Ok, I see now :) Thank you

Well, I did exactly this and no,  this instrument (Looptrack from Gospel Producers) do not respond to this command.

But I have found a trick that can kill the samples -  changing presets or sounds/instrument within one VST. In case of Looptrack its just changing the sample bank - super easy.  Its not a great solution, but it works.

Nevertheless I wish Cakewalk had a global and permanent kill button build in



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1 hour ago, Wojtek Stecyszyn said:

Nope. This VST instrument does not respond to CC events.

This would be worth submitting feedback to the developer on if you like it and want to keep using it. Many complex VST(i)s have a Panic button in the VST GUI itself, but the Panic button inside the host (any host) is going to try to the same routine Cakewalk is doing. If the VST doesn't accept that input, there is no way to control it externally. The host is doing its job (and no way to make it better), but the VST is in its "own little world." Side note: some VST(i)s have that kill switch hard coded to a specific MIDI note, but I couldn't find any documentation on Loop Track.

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