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Clean Machine - FREE Dynamics Tool By Amalgamated Signals


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Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/26/clean-machine/

Download: https://amalgamatedsignals.com/

Clean Machine, by Amalgamated Signals, is a dynamics controller with features of both a saturator and a compressor. It has timing controls like a compressor, but it applies a continuous gain reduction curve like a saturator. It also has a third timing parameter called “transition”, to control the speed of the shift between attack and release modes, for more transparent control of dynamics.

At very fast settings and relatively low drive, Clean Machine acts like a saturator, subtly thickening the sound and gluing mix elements together. Slightly increase the attack and release times for gentler transient control and reduced harmonic distortion.

With higher levels of drive, Clean Machine can control large dynamic swings and peaks. Try a fast attack with a slow release, and notice how the compression sounds more transparent as you increase the transition time.


Edited by locrian
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I absolutely HATE these kind of thumbnails. The sad thing is that it is supposed to work. We (the people of the internets) should make it a thing that the moment we see this cuckface behaviour, we should flood the comments with hints of what he/she should put in there. Like a baguette or something...?

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7 hours ago, Nick Blanc said:

We (the people of the internets) should make it a thing that the moment we see this cuckface behaviour . . . . [emphasis added]

I learned something new:


On December 26th, 2017 an anonymous 4chan user speculated that open-mouthed smiles were a signal of submission and being "lower in the social ladder" according to “research on non-human primates.” Another user replied that the smile should be called a "cuckface" as a spin on the duckface facial expression.

Since then, it has steadily trickled into online communities under a variety of aliases: “Cuckface,” “Nu-Male Smile,” and “Soylent Grin.”

Now, Soy is a food that extremist, misogynistic subcultures have linked with weakness, feminism, and beta status. There’s also the debunked claim that soy products increase men’s estrogen levels to the point of growing man boobs. Put these conspiracies into a virtual blender and you get an unimpressive slang term to insult any male you think is a snowflake for smiling too big in his selfies. Some men have taken it a step further, claiming Soy Face is the sign of a cuck or a simp.

If you guessed the Soy Boy and subsequent Soy Face memes were concocted by basement-dwelling ****posters, you’d be correct. [emphasis and **** added]

I'll file this under totally useless knowledge. But it did make me laugh.

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16 hours ago, User 905133 said:

I learned something new:

I'll file this under totally useless knowledge. But it did make me laugh.

To be honest, I had to look it up. I just knéw there had to be a term for this phenomena. And to be totally honest, soylent grin was the first thing that came up, but I wanted something more derogative to express my contempt. I have unsubscribed for less.

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