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Converting MP3

Bobby Thistle

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This may be a stupid question - please forgive this old newb.

Is it possible to convert someone else's MP3 file into separate wav tracks in CbB?
I don't know if I'm explaining myself properly... I'd like to restore the MP3 back to where it was before it was rendered into an MP3 - putting  each instrument back on it's own audio track.

Thanks for your patience... much appreciated.

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No, pretty sure the best you can do is import it as a stereo file. You'll just get one track identical to the MP3.
If it's a very simple mix (i.e. Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums) you can try one of the online stem producing apps like https://ezstems.com/ or you can download and install Spleeter (which is what the online services use). Even if it works reasonably well, the quality won't be nearly as good as the original, though.

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Having tried out some of the stem splitters, I found the results to be surprisingly good bearing in mind what they're doing, but rarely perfect - you'll always get artefacts.

If the goal is to rebalance/remix, or perhaps add/replace parts, then it's usually fine.  However, if your goal is to use a stem in isolation, you may find the artefacts are too obvious to use.

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Thanks for the comeback... much appreciated.

What I was trying was to see if I could break up an mp3 from one of those karaoke sites that a friend suggested.  Keep in mind that there's no way that I'm gonna be using them any time soon.

I was able to download the one song I got one track at a time and it worked out ok.  But that's as far as this experiment is going to go.  When I transposed it to my key it sounded like crap.

Nope going to keep doing my tracks in Cakewalk  :D

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iZotope Rx has a feature that lets you independently adjust drums, bass, vocals and everything else. In my experiments with it, there were artifacts that made it less than ideal, but for a casual application such as tweaking karaoke files it might work. But it won't separate out every track from a full mix. Intelligent processors are coming that will take this breakdown much farther, but for now this represents the state of the art.



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14 hours ago, bitflipper said:

iZotope Rx has a feature that lets you independently adjust drums, bass, vocals and everything else. In my experiments with it, there were artifacts that made it less than ideal, but for a casual application such as tweaking karaoke files it might work. But it won't separate out every track from a full mix. Intelligent processors are coming that will take this breakdown much farther, but for now this represents the state of the art.



 @bitflipper  With the OP’s question answered, curious to know your thoughts on something related to Music Rebalance, which I have in an RX app. do you think a stem produced by this, say the bass from a favorite band’s song, is high fidelity  enough to use as a basis for tone matching in various Izotope  products? I’ve tried it and it seems pretty “washy.“ Artifacts, no doubt.

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I think it'd be fine for isolating vocals or drums for the purpose of tone matching . Perhaps not so much for bass, though, as in my tests the bass lost a noticeable amount of high end. That could depend on the song and the mix, though. My tests were on some old MP3s of my own stuff that I'd lost the original projects for. Maybe it'd work better with a higher-fidelity recording.



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