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I have a 10 year old...

Lord Tim

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... album, that is. ?

10 years ago today, we released our Digital Lies album, which was a pretty rough one for me on a lot of levels (tour and recording burn out, and just the sheer amount of tracks and silly stuff we do every time just gets really old sometimes). It actually took me months after this thing was done to actually sit back and appreciate what we created. Turned out to be our most successful album to date, so I guess the hard work paid off. :) 

I'd change a few mixing decisions if I did this today, but it's something I think still stands up pretty well, all things considered. I definitely got my money's worth out of SONAR that year! 

I thought you guys might like to have a wander back a decade and check out a couple of tunes. Probably the one we're most infamously known for is actually an instrumental guitar battle between me and our other guitarist, Mark. Just to add to the silliness of it all, we filmed an intentionally low-budget video clip one afternoon of us battling it out to see which guitar model was the best. In the end, we all got ice cream so everyone won! ?



The rest of the album isn't QUITE that silly... but it's here if anyone would like a listen:


We have a bit of a sale going on to grab this album and a 12" extended mix vinyl (remember those things?) for a great price if anyone would like to snap it up.  From now until Friday night (or while stocks last), you can get both the Digital Lies album on CD and the Extended Mix vinyl release for only AUD$10 plus shipping. Only 20 units available! https://lordofficial.bandcamp.com/album/digital-lies  SOLD OUT. Hope someone nabbed a bargain first!

Anyway, hope you guys dig the stuff and had a chuckle at our dumb video! :) 

Edited by Lord Tim
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I am at working listening to the video on a Bluetooth speaker, and a young kid that I work with was coming up the stairs and ask "WTF are you listening to!? Man they shredding all crazy!!"

He couldn't understand why I was laughing!! I told him I would send a link to the video. 

Video was great. I was laughing the whole time. That out take.... hilarious!!

Again LT, great playing on you and Mark's part. 

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Probably the dumbest thing about this (besides the outtakes) is the one note bass solo. When I wrote it, I actually had a video with that gag in mind, and we actually released the bass tabs for that section (for anyone playing along at home, it's  0-0-0-0-0-0... ?)

You know you have your priorities exactly right when you write jokes into a future video clip before actually finish the song ?

Good fun though, and ESP were pretty happy about the big plug we gave them. ?

Edited by Lord Tim
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HAHA! I remember doing the visual effects for the smoke coming out of the sneakers and starting to do a camera track in After Effects to embed it into the shot, and got about 10 seconds into setting up the scene and went "Dude, really? Everything else is super low budget, why are you doing this properly? Just eyeball it!"   I'm surprised it looked as good as it did.

It's a funny thing, we did a bunch of pretty cool clips prior to that one with actors, VFX, proper storyboards, and this dumb thing we did in an afternoon got a much bigger reaction than all of them. Go figure!

Cheers for all of the awesome comments, guys! It's been a fun wander down memory lane! :) 

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