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Trouble With Melodyne

Bobby Thistle

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Greetings all...  I'm a complete newb who's trying to use Melodyne  in my CbB projects.  I used it for the first time with great success in one of my projects.  So it was on to the next project.  When I loaded up the Melodyne plugin - Melodyne 5 Essential - into the new project the track from the previous project loaded up in it.

I reached out on Facebook to see if I could get any answers and one fine gentleman had me go into the first project and bounce the track using Melodyne onto a new track.  This I did and once done I deleted the original track.

I then went into the new track - lo and behold - it worked!!!  I proceeded to start editing my new track with Melodyne and everything was going great.  I was about halfway through the song and decided to take a break.  I saved my song and shut down Melodyne and Cakewalk.  When I came back I reopened Cakewalk and reopened the Melodyne plugin to continue working where I left off on the track.  I was shocked when I saw that the track from the previous project was back in the Melodyne plugin again.  Of course I can't redo the "bounce" thing in the first project as it is already done.

I am at a total loss as to what to do.  I guess my question is, is there a way to clear the first project track out of the Melodyne plugin so that I can use it on the new project?  If not, there has to be a way to be able to use it.  I just don't know where or how to do it.  Hopefully one of you experts here can help me out.  This would be so much appreciated.

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Not an expert but I use melodyne a lot and never had this happen. I would go into the audio folder of the current project and see if I could figure out what file is from the first project and delete it. I never had melodyne store something so it’s weird. I usually try not to close a project with melodyne active on a clip or track. Good luck! 

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It is best practices to use Melodyne as a regional effect and when you are finished editing the clip render it   This removes Melodyne from the project and saves on CPU. It sounds like you might be using Melodyne as the stand alone app?  
In this video I explain the basic stuff about using Melodyne in Cakewalk 




Edited by John Vere
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Hi John... thanks for the reply.

I am using Melodyne as an effects plugin in CbB.  I'm not sure what you mean - or how to render the clip after my edits.  I don't know if I mentioned it but I'm a total newb who is using Melodyne for only the second time.  The first time went great.  I thought the second time was going to be the same until I discovered that the track I worked on in the first song was still in Melodyne when I started using it in a new song for the second time.  And I don't know how to get rid of it.  I guess I'm looking for something like, "File + New project" in Melodyne.

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I always bounce Melodyne clips before saving and exiting the project. It was a habit I adopted many years ago, when Melodyne was not as seamlessly integrated into the DAW as it is today. This avoids a lot of potential problems.

The wrinkle is that Melodyne is actually its own process and works on files that it created and has stored external to the DAW project, so you have to think of them as temporary files. Once you've rendered (bounced) the clip, though, Melodyne is done with it and everything's safely stored within the Cakewalk project.

The best way to invoke Melodyne is via an ARA Region. Right-click the top of the clip you want to edit and select Region FX -> Melodyne -> Create Region FX. When you're done with your edits, return to this same context menu and select Render Region FX.



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Yes!!!  Thanks to you guys I have now found how to what what I was trying to do.

I found the "Create Region FX + Melodyne + Create Regional FX" procedure after reading John's post.  As for the "Render" tip he gave me, I couldn't find anything related to "Render" in any of the drop boxes in Cakewalk.  But after reading Bitflipper's response I realize that it is also called "bounce."

Looks like I'm all ready to now thanks to your help... Lots of frustration on the decline now!!! :)

Very much appreciated.

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Actually John... I copied and pasted the link to your video and certainly learned a LOT more about using Melodyne - AND Cakewalk.  Before this I really had no idea what a "clip" was or what it was for.  The way I was using Cakewalk I didn't need them.  I have so much more to learn.  Sure is good to know that you and this group are here to answer some of my dumb questions.

Mebbe you could save me some time from going to the CbB manual to find the hot key for "split"  :)

Thanks again.

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the "Render Region FX" is the 4th one down from the create one... ? one other cool thing -- you can make a copy of the notes as MIDI on the upper right of the clip, you can left-click on the rfx icon and select Copy Notes to MIDI... and then paste those into a MIDI track. can be handy for augmenting pads, solos, etc...

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36 minutes ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

The standalone works on the laptop but doesn't exist as a Region FX in Cake!

Melodyne 5 Essential shows up fine here in Cakewalk. Select an audio clip in a Cakewalk track, then go to "Region FX" in the track view menu and select "Melodyne > Create Region FX".

If you have already re-installed Melodyne (download the installer from your Celemony account), then maybe try re-installing Cakewalk?

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1 hour ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

File is there. Did the scan as described in the post! No luck! Still no region fx Melodyne!

Do you have a license for Melodyne? Scook mentioned that the version bundled with Cakewalk is a trial.

If you do have a license, ensure that you have downloaded it and installed from your Celemony account.

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