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Synth freezing and audio tracks



Hi friends,

I wonder if you can help me get to grips with something...

I've been using CbB for well over a year now, and in many regards I feel I've learned a lot about it. However, there is one area that I don't really understand, which is freezing synths. I use a mixture of external synths and internal. As I don't want to have excessive CPU load, by the time I'm ready to mix I freeze the internal synths. I want to be able to work on these tracks just like audio tracks, but because they're frozen if I add plugins they wont work; so what I've been doing is copying the audio clips onto new tracks and muting the originals. I'm pretty sure that's not the best way to do it! I thought there was maybe a way to bounce (render) the synth tracks so that they behave exactly the same as the other audio tracks, but I can't seem to work out how.

If there is (as I suspect) a more elegant solution than my workaround, please will you point me in the right direction?



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2 answers to this question

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By default, freeze applies and disables the FX rack/PC. One could change the defaults or re-enable the FX rack/PC after freezing.

Copying the audio to a new track is a way which preserves the original frozen track.

Alternately one could 

  • select the instrument/audio track associated with the synth
  • bounce to tracks(s) to create the audio on a new track,
    • set source to tracks
    • verify the synth source track
    • click OK
  • archive the original track and
  • disconnect the synth.

These steps effectively reproduce the freeze+copy+archive process.

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Thanks chaps!

I had a look at the freeze options and saw what you meant about changing the default so that the FX rack was unaffected; that was my biggest issue. I'll give this some more thought.




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