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BUG - Abnormal state after clicking in Track View Ruler whilst in PRV scrub mode

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Release: 2019.05

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a project with at least one MIDI track
  2. Open the PRV
  3. Activate "scrub" mode by pressing "J"
  4. move the mouse cursor up to the Track View Timeline Ruler and click in the timeline


  • "The audio engine has stopped unexpectedly" notification toast
  • The mouse cursor is now "boxed in" to a horizontal screen area that overlays the timeline ruler - you can't move the mouse outside this band to click on menu or close or anything


  • Alt-TAB to another application (if you can). Now the mouse is "released from its cage"
  • Click back into Cakewalk
  • The mouse is still an "scrub" icon but if you click in the Smart Tool selector you can pop it out of this mode which returns regular mouse icon
  • Click on File-Exit to exit the application safely (continuing to work is not advised; unexpected behavior or return to "scrub lockup" is possible


Update Note: This can be reproduced with a brand new empty project:

  1. Create empty project
  2. Add MIDI track
  3. Record some notes (might not be required but seems advisable)
  4. Open the PRV
  5. Press J to enable scrub mode
  6. Click in PRV to audition the MIDI notes (yeah, no sound because no instrument but bear with me)
  7. Click in Track View Ruler to move NOW time - may required 2 or 3 clicks but eventually you get the Scrub Mouse Cage  effect described above
Edited by Colin Nicholls
"audition" -> "scrub"
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Thanks for the detailed report. I've been able to reproduce the bug, and will look into it later today.
Reports like this are extremely useful to us. It's impossible for us to fix a bug we don't know about, or can't reproduce, so thanks again for reporting it and including all the necessary steps ?

Edit: Fixed! Will be in the next release.

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The "boxed mouse cursor" is also seen in Track View with or without MIDI track.

In Track view, insert marker.
Move the "now time" vertical bar so you can see the marker.
Hover your mouse cursor to the marker and RIGHT click.
Move the cursor up or down while still pressing the right click (it suposse to resize all tracks if there is any track in track view).
There you go... The cursor is boxed.

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