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Kuassa Harmonitron Pitch shifter/Harmonizer


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Key Features :

Quad engine polyphonic pitch shifting

-24 to +24 semitones 

Up to four different pitch settings

Swell (slow attack) and low pass filter

Detune effect for wider and richer sounds

Individual volume and pan controls for the Dry signal and all pitch voices

Photorealistic graphics for lifelike guitar playing experience

Straightforward and easy to use interface

Support up to 96000Hz Sample Rate

CV Inputs for Automation (Rack Extension only)

 $25 intro price



Edited by filo
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You're supposed to get 30% off your first order if you subscribe to their newsletter but I haven't got a code after verifying the address (I've tried with 2 email addresses).

Has anyone got the code and does it work if you're buying just this harmonizer?

Edit. They just sent the codes as I was writing this (a day late). Turns out the code increases the price. Not buying anything.

Edited by BTP
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