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Create Cleaner Looking Text


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Text created in Photoshop is often blurred, smudged, or just plain YUK. CbB generated text looks much better.

At least 2 modules let you to enter your own text which you can copy & paste into a theme image. matching the GUI's text face & size exactly.

For Normal text use Custom Module (or Console View track name)
(Track & Console View Name & Background can also be used) 

1. Set text color you want in Theme Editor (Alternative Text #2)
2. Choose a theme that has a light or dark button for the text background
   or repaint Control Bar | Modules | Custom | Custom Button to desired color
3. In CbB right-click any Custom button and type your new word
4. Use Windows Snipping Tool to copy and paste into your photo editor


For Bold text use Markers Module (or Track View track name)
1. Set text color you want in Theme Editor (Alternative Text #2 or track name color)
2. Choose a theme that has a light or dark button for the text background
   or repaint Control Bar |Menu (wide) button to desired color (or track name background)
2. In CbB click the "+" button and type your new word
3. Use Windows Snipping Tool to copy and paste into your photo editor


Shrinking copied text to 75% still looks good.

Just remember to re-rename the buttons or delete the new markers when done. :D

Edited by sjoens
  • Great Idea 4
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Ķ, ķ (k-cedilla) is the 17th letter of the Latvian alphabet. In Latvian, it has the IPA value /c/. In ISO 9, Ķ is the official Latin transliteration of the Cyrillic letter Қ.

Somehow, you entered a Unicode character (\u0137), or the site changed it for you... weird. This is from the page HTML: 

For Bold text use Markers Module (or Trac\u0137View track name)

The process for intentionally doing that from the keyboard is pretty complex; hard to do by accident:

"To insert a Unicode character, type the character code, press ALT, and then press X. For example, to type a dollar symbol ($), type 0024, press ALT, and then press X. For more Unicode character codes, see Unicode character code charts by script."

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Obviously I'm not doing that. And for the record, I'm not Latvian. :D

I've had this ongoing issue of strange characters appearing when typing too fast.

Thanks for the explanation, tho.

Edited by sjoens
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