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Lord Tim

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Guys, first of all thanks so much for the great feedback on Truth Always Hurts by My Whisper that I posted a while back. I shared the comments with the duo and they are absolutely stoked and asked me to pass on their thanks to you all. :) 

Once again, I can't take credit for the writing on this one, sadly, but I have my greasy mits all over the production, keyboards, drums and video clip. (I should probably wash my mits. ?)  This was definitely very 70s hippie influenced, and for all of you music nerds out there, see if you can count the number of modulations in the middle-8 section - completely insane and yet actually sounds like music rather than theory-flexing!

Anyway, put on your flares, start up your tape flangers and have a listen. Hope you guys dig this one too.  :)



Interested in the video trivia? Click here:


The clip was lots of fun, with some funny trivia to it. The idea was that the child in the clip represents the innocence and true-self of the singer, so when she finally turns to hug the child you'll see she's really hugging herself, so she's "come home" as it were. We were looking for a kid to play the part and Aggii, the singer, goes "oh I have a friend with a daughter around that age - I'll ask her."  The kicker here is she hadn't talked to that friend for 20 years, so it was just a random message out of the blue... and the friend said yes, was more than happy to help out, and her daughter was absolutely fantastic in the part! HAHA! Amazing!

We wanted to set it in a nice and natural bush setting but we also didn't want to travel very far away from where the girl lived, so I went location scouting via Google Street View around the area and actually found a little nature reserve attached to the side of a tiny park, right in the middle of suburbia. From any other angle you'd see houses, front gardens, cars parked in the street, but how we shot it could be anywhere in the countryside if you didn't know! (Shh, don't tell anyone)


Edited by Lord Tim
Added spoiler tags around the video trivia to keep the post clean
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Wow, I haven't heard them called bell-bottoms since I was a teenager - that definitely got traded out for "flares" here since then! Then again, being Australia, I'd almost expect there to be a swear word in there somewhere ?

Edited by Lord Tim
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43 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

Wow, I haven't heard them.called bell-bottoms since I was a teenager - that definitely got traded out for "flares" here since then! Then again, being Australia, I'd almost expect there to be a swear word in there somewhere ?

When I ws young they were also called "Birmingham Bags"

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Yeah, we really tried to keep this one simple but classy (even if YouTube absolutely destroyed the quality - glad I spent all of that money on a cinema camera only for it to look like it was filmed on a potato ?)

It's kind of funny doing clips like this, the normal stuff I do is much more elaborate mostly, like the one we did for my band:


Or this one for a punk/alt band called Raising Ravens:


Having 2 people stand in the bush while I walked around them with a steadicam was a (literal ?) walk in the park in comparison!

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