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Thank you for posting this! Huge KISS fan.

Although my interest in the band kind of laid a bit dormant for a while, around the time we moved here in 2012, lots of KISS related stuff started to happen in my life again and Las Vegas soon became synonymous with KISS for me.

I also made friends with the guys who organize KISS Night in Vegas, an annual fundraising event, and the most awesome night of the year for any KISS fan. Was invited and participatd a few times over the years, and had a chance to play with and meet a lot of amazing people and musicians, including Bob Kulick (KISS fans will know who he is), Lydia Criss, and guys who've toured with Ace and Peter. 

Here's a shot from 2016 IIRC. Not the best, but I don't seem to have many with the KISS logo.



I'm still a huge fan of Ace.

I also like and appreciate Bruce and Tommy. 

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This ties in nicely. After watching the video above, I decided to re-watch KISStory. Caught a glimpse of Paul Stanley wearing what looks like a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, circa 1976.

KISS, the 70's and hockey - 3 of my favorite things in the world.


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1 hour ago, craigb said:

I still remember the requests added to the inside of their albums to join the KISS Army.

Makes you wonder what they were fighting, ya?  Cosmetic companies? ?

I remember the Kiss Army burning all those disco records, the smell was god awful??

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13 hours ago, craigb said:

Only to have KISS come out with a disco song! ?


It's funny that he mentions the vocal performance on I'll Fight Hell to Hold You - Crazy Nights is one of my guilty pleasures (I love Ron Nevison's work on it) and Stanley's vocals on I'll Fight Hell are incredible - even though you also  get the feeling that he's just pushing himself to see how far up he can go. He himself mentions something along those lines in his biography when talking about that era.

I've always felt that that song could have been usd in a training montage for Rocky 4 or something, it has that vibe. One more reason for me to enjoy it.

It's also one of the songs I always wanted to play live with my ex but we never got to it. I did get her to sing plenty of other KISS songs though...

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3 hours ago, Rain said:

It's funny that he mentions the vocal performance on I'll Fight Hell to Hold You - Crazy Nights is one of my guilty pleasures (I love Ron Nevison's work on it) and Stanley's vocals on I'll Fight Hell are incredible - even though you also  get the feeling that he's just pushing himself to see how far up he can go. He himself mentions something along those lines in his biography when talking about that era.

Crazy Nights and Hot in the Shade are terrible-sounding records with some god songs on them. Hot in the Shade utilizes a drum machine for stretches as well. I always wanted to hear those two records re-recorded with real drums and not so "tinny" on everything else.

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I'd forgotten about HitS. Agreed about that one. What I remember mostly about it is the show from that tour on KISSology, which I thought was one of the best from that era. That being said, I don't listen to those albums all that often, but for some reason, Crazy Nights works for me - although I do get what you mean. All the rest between Creatures and Revenge, not so much, although I like a few songs off of each record. 

Hotter Than Hell has always been one of those"what went wrong" albums that I wish we could have access to the the raw tracks, as they were fed into the board.  I'm just so curious as to how did it end up sounding like this, with all the specifics - it's almost as if the stereo mix had been fed into a 4 inch speaker in the control room and recorded back, and they'd printed that as the master. 

Although part of me has been living with that album for so long - and thre's so many awesome songs on it - that it'd feel weird to hear a cleaner mix. Same for Sabbath's Born Again. 

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On 1/6/2023 at 9:37 PM, Rain said:

Thank you for posting this! Huge KISS fan.


I would say that I was one of those that bought their first three albums. I still think those three albums are some of the best RnR ever put out. When Kiss Alive came out, I dropped off somewhat. Then Destroyer came out I was OK with it, but it wasn't the rock I had come to expect from them. Rock And Roll Over was the last album of Kiss I ever bought. And I have only bought it one time. The first three albums I wore out and purchased many times after.

Some of the first bands I joined I got them to play stuff off those first three albums. We'd play "Black Diamond" and people would come up after the show and ask did we write that!!! They just didn't know that it was Kiss. Rock Bottom was another one that got the crowd going. The band was real reluctant to play "Kiss" stuff because by that time they were marketing for the kids and they didn't want to be associated with that BS. But once I got them to listen and play stuff off the first three albums, AND they saw the audience reaction, it was no problem to get them to do more from those albums. (we never did "Beth!")  

That first album just had some of the best raw sound and feeling. Not even mentioning the hooks every song had!!! Hooks for days!! Hotter Than Hell has great songs on it, but it's not as well produced as the first album IMHO. Dressed to Kill had much better songs than " I, wanna rock n roll all night... But that was the one that put them over the top.


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My KISS era was between Alive and AliveII and as a pre-pubescent elementary kid the lyrics made no sense but I could tell it was probably fun and Ace was my fave.  I moved on to Steely Dan, Rush, Yes, etc for high school but I do enjoy going back to Love Gun and even that Creatures of the Night reissue that just came out. And I love to blast Black Diamond off the 1st album and dig the tape slow down at the end which I can only imagine was to get another minute on the album.

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1 hour ago, Grem said:


Some of the first bands I joined I got them to play stuff off those first three albums. We'd play "Black Diamond" and people would come up after the show and ask did we write that!!! ? (we never did "Beth!")


Rock Bottom was awesome ?? One of the bands I really liked in the 80's did a cover of Beth.



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